What has your cat brought you home??

27 watchers
May 2011
6:25am, 10 May 2011
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<<<<<<this little madam has been our best hunter - in the old house she managed to get a crow - must have been dead I think before she tried to manhandle it through the catflap, but it was twice as big as she was. She's nearly 19 now and still gets the odd bird or frog - she does has have penchant for frogs - likes to hear them scream I think!
May 2011
7:47am, 10 May 2011
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We had less offering when the catflap went when we got new windows n doors as it's whatever they can get up and in through the bathroom window!

I am so envious fee that your cat has got to 19 !
May 2011
7:53am, 10 May 2011
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Mum & I had a kitten each out of the same litter. On the day mum rang to say that hers had bought home its first bird, I was able to say that mine had bought home his first roast potato :-o
May 2011
8:10am, 10 May 2011
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The pilotlight
samsung blue ray dvd player. nice!

seriously, a tiny cuddly toy. better than a bird chick.
May 2011
8:32am, 10 May 2011
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Mine loves bringing home slugs and drowning them in her water bowl.

Other than that we get bits of fireworks around bonfire night but not much else.

The original Battlecat brought home a dirty pair of american tan tights once. Proper rank!
May 2011
8:53am, 10 May 2011
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The Small Cat (RIP) once brought me back half a sausage. And her head was covered in barbeque sauce. Less delightfully, she'd leave her small mammal offerings on the stairs in the night, eviscerated and therefore slippery but still with a bit of a crunch to the skull when you stood on them in your bare feet on the way to the kitchen for a nocturnal glass of something or a snack. She was a thoughtful creature.
May 2011
8:56am, 10 May 2011
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Our male cat used to constantly come home smelling of lavender perfume, too :-/
May 2011
9:01am, 10 May 2011
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hmmm pootle id say he was getting sly cuddles off a oap neighbour or sleeping under a lavender bush :)
May 2011
9:06am, 10 May 2011
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I've had cooked sausages, lumps of moss, worms, moles, rats, various birds...
The worst was a weasel. I thought it was dead when he came through the catflap but when he put it on the kitchen floor it came to life and started squealing it's head off. Cat decided he wasn't so keen at this point and headed upstairs. It wriggled under the washing machine. I had to pull the washing machine out, retrieve the cat and throw him behind there, he came running out with the weasel attached to his face having sunk it's teeth into his cheek. I pulled it off him, trapped it under a saucepan and released it outside. Traumatic for 7am.
May 2011
9:07am, 10 May 2011
362 posts
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Last spring, we had several baby rabbits - dead or alive - the worst one being headless! Ugh!
On more than one occasion, I have found myself chasing round the bedroom at 3 or 4 in the morning, stark naked, trying to catch a rabbit whilst keeping the cat away from it at the same time. Mr Woo was laughing so much he was no help at all.
I still can't work out how he gets the rabbits through the cat flap - he can only just fit through it himself!
He always brings his offerings up to our bedroom and deposits (or eats) them on the floor next to Mr Woo's side of the bed (I'm sure he does it because he knows Mr Woo doesn't like him!).
I'm always finding spleen of mouse (or vole or shrew) on the bedroom carpet.

I'm liking your cat's approach to slugs, BC :)

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Maintained by runningmumof3boys
since i lost my cat Daisy last week (she was 15) my young tom cat has brought us home 1 x song thrus...

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