May 2011
6:56pm, 9 May 2011
380 posts
when you buy an old house and everyone says "best get a cat or you'll end up with mice" nobody ever tells you that the only mice you actually get are the ones the cats kindly bring in for you, slightly chewed and soggy. I like the theory that cats think you're just a larger, slightly stupid cat, and they are trying to teach you to hunt. it doesn't explain the dish cloth though, unless the cat is subtly trying to tell you something about the state of your kitchen..
May 2011
7:00pm, 9 May 2011
5,884 posts
LOL at some of these - especially the chip papers and the dish cloth!
I'm not going to let my cat read this - she only ever brings in the occasional mouse, so I don't want to give her ideas. My friend did find a slug on her pillow the other day, kindly left there by her cat ....
May 2011
7:56pm, 9 May 2011
1,057 posts
i havent laughed so hard in ages - thanks for these posts!!!
May 2011
7:59pm, 9 May 2011
7,228 posts
I did have a cat that came home stinking of fried fish and off fat. We lived near a fish and chip shop and I think she'd been in the bins. The smell was absolutely rank!
May 2011
8:16pm, 9 May 2011
12,552 posts
still laughing at Loca's cat....
one friend's cat used to bring home all sorts of stuff. but she was squeamish, so I would get the phone call to help and would go round to track down whatever poor creature had been brought in. usually involved following a trail of blood and feathers.
my cats would bring home all sorts. every morning i would step out of the bedroom and step in some animal's innards. bleargh. there was the occasional live bird. they also brought all their kitty friends home for kitty parties. if you walked into the living room at 3am there would be about 5 cats in there. if they were human they would be smoking and playing cards.
the piece de resistance was when one of them brought home a SEAGULL. we lived in a first floor flat. the cats got in and out via a cat flap in a window that overlooked a flat roof. to get on the flat roof they clambered up and over some bins and walked along a high wall.
anyway, i looked out the window and saw the little teeny tiny cat dragging something almost as big as he was backwards along the wall. he kept stopping for a rest and was breathing heavily. eventually he got the bird onto the roof and then he saw me and got all excited, miaowing at me. then i could see the little wheels turning in his head. he looked up at the windowsill, and back down at the bird. at the windowsill and down at the bird. and he visibly wilted as he realised he wouldn't be able to get the bird in.
my (then) husband and i both had to climb out onto the roof - one to placate the cat and one to get the bird......
May 2011
8:43pm, 9 May 2011
5,339 posts
Our current cats are too lazy/too thick to catch anything unless it's already dead so mum is having a break from pussy presents
My last cat Minnie brought in dead mice, mice, voles, rabbits, blue tits She wasn't satisified unless she'd brought something into my bedroom. She always left her presents in my room, I used to take it as a sign of affection.
The only time I didn't like Minnie was the day i'd just put new sheets on my bed and I was really looking forward to going to bed that night. I remember going into my room and discovering Minnie had puked up bits of mice all over my new sheets
May 2011
8:46pm, 9 May 2011
7,229 posts
OMG, you lot have mad cats! Never known them to congregate inside Stumpy!
Mine once came in throguh the cat flap with a large, still flapping, black bird in it's mouth. When it saw me it froze as if I wouldn't notice! Then backed out again.
My cat takes commands, I can tell him "no" and he will generally obey
May 2011
8:47pm, 9 May 2011
7,230 posts
Cat puke, bleurgh! Guaranteed to make me feel sick. Yuck
May 2011
8:50pm, 9 May 2011
5,340 posts
That was the down side of the pussy presents, the puke
May 2011
8:53pm, 9 May 2011
1,268 posts
Funniest thing I've read in ages!
Ours was too daft to catch anything in 10 years she managed 'half' a bird... it was still alive and next doors cat stole it off her. She was depressed for days after!