Jul 2020
1:27pm, 9 Jul 2020
10,978 posts
mrs shanksi
Well done Lorraine!
Jul 2020
1:29pm, 9 Jul 2020
1,540 posts
Thank you.
Jul 2020
1:35pm, 9 Jul 2020
15,670 posts
Congratulations Lorraine!
Jul 2020
2:25pm, 9 Jul 2020
30,653 posts
Well done Lorraine!
I have done my 26.2 miles, the Running Heroes app agrees that I have, and I'm having a rest from running for a day or two I have no desire to carry on to 100km
Jul 2020
2:36pm, 9 Jul 2020
4,549 posts
Congratulations both, Lorraine, LD. I’m waiting for a second wind. Mostly, there’s just a real headwind. I have even more respect for ultra runners now,& can’t believe I ever thought that rtts would be possible, even with the helpful overnight tent/food option
Jul 2020
2:40pm, 9 Jul 2020
42,013 posts
Lip Gloss
Well done folks. I am taking myself off for a walk soon and run again tomorrow. My quads are hurting a bit.
Jul 2020
3:34pm, 9 Jul 2020
10,980 posts
mrs shanksi
Well done LD.
ferret, I'm sure the actual RTTS would be possible for you, ultras are very accessible. It's like anything, if you train for it you can do it 😀
I've done a fair few ultras but these virtual events are a different kind of tough, you need to get running for several days in a row to complete them. That requires motivation for a much longer period of time. It can be a real thought to get out of the house and do another run after 5 days of running every day. Even the longest ultras I've done I've had to put effort in, but it's different when you do it in a oner (so to speak). You concentrate and get it done, and it's all over in a weekend. For the virtual West Highland Way Race I found it tough to run every day for 9 days. I'm used to rest days. What I'm trying to say is, you are all awesome for doing this and if you've thought about doing an ultra please go for it. It's as much about mental strength as physical fitness.
Jul 2020
5:29pm, 9 Jul 2020
4,921 posts
Well done Lorraine, LD and in fact everyone! I really had to kick my out the door this morning as I was all set to throw in the towel after yet another crap night's sleep! But once I got past the first few miles the motivation kicked in and despite the torrential rain for a good part of my walk, I managed 12.27 miles which takes me to 63k in the ultra and a bit banked for the rest of the week so feeling a lot happier with myself
Jul 2020
6:02pm, 9 Jul 2020
1,542 posts
Thanks and indeed well done to everyone.
I have just fitted in a second run so now on 63/100. Hopefully I will get around 15 in tomorrow.
Jul 2020
7:20pm, 9 Jul 2020
10,981 posts
mrs shanksi
Well done DQ 😀
5.6 miles run this evening so I'm at 62%. Looking forward to my tea now.