Jan 2014
9:09am, 30 Jan 2014
2,765 posts
Good luck Fenland too
missed your comment
Jan 2014
9:20am, 30 Jan 2014
2,618 posts
Is this FR's first Ultra?
Jan 2014
1:22pm, 30 Jan 2014
436 posts
K5 Gus
My first ultra is months away, but thought I'd ask this noob question on drop bags whilst it's in my head :
Do drop bags get returned to the finish at the end of the race so you can get stuff back out of them, or is that too much hassle and all contents just get binned/re-cycled ?
I wouldn't be bothered about any food/drink I didn't use, but wondering if you can have spare shoes, clothes, bladders, etc or do you need a support team for those sort of things ?
Appreciate it may be different for different races - if so then it's the Speyside Way I'm doing, so if anyone knows what they do that would be useful.
Jan 2014
1:45pm, 30 Jan 2014
21,738 posts
Pretty sure drop bags made it back to finish in Speyside Way. They will also transport a bag from start to finish for those doing it as a point to point (which was really useful).
I think shoe change tends to only be in bigger, supported races like WHW. For shorter ones, unsupported, but with drop bags, if you need change of clothes, I think you'd need to carry that with you. But I'm a noob too of course Gus, so really don't know.
Be interested to see what folk say. Must be different for different races I woudl think. I seem to remember at Cateran emptying left over food from drop bags into a pile for the back markers to use if they want (Ray McC never had any of his own food/drink!) :-)G
Jan 2014
2:34pm, 30 Jan 2014
714 posts
K5 - it depends on the ultra. Some will, some won't - if in doubt, email / ask the RD
IF they will take them back to the start, then don't expect them to be there when you finish - you will probably have to wait until the CP has closed and/or the last runner has finished.
My personal rule is "Don't put anything in a drop bag that you can't live without/will cause you to DNF" - they do get misplaced / go missing / end up at the wrong CP, you can live without a can of coke - but a headtorch when it's going dark?
Every race I've done which is point-to-point will either allow you to leave a bag at the finish, (if they are transporting you to the start) or will transport a bag to the finish for you
Jan 2014
4:40pm, 30 Jan 2014
436 posts
Chris, nope, I've run a few before
Jan 2014
5:02pm, 30 Jan 2014
437 posts
K5 Gus
Thanks HappyG and GeeeM - I will contact the RD nearer the time if I think there's anything I may want to drop off at a checkpoint, but don't fancy carrying.
Jan 2014
5:19pm, 30 Jan 2014
283 posts
Drop bags: From my experience as a marshal - it depends. On the Highland Fling I think it was the case that anything edible that was left behind by a runner was recycled onto the "emergency supplies" table for the slower ones - in case they didn't have enough food, had drunk more than expected, or whatever. Once all the runners were through - anything left over went in the bin.
Clothes/shoes etc were bundled up & taken to the finish to let people have a shot at reclaiming it.
D33 was much the same as I recall.
To back up HappyG & GeeeM - contact the RD & ask!
Jan 2014
1:01pm, 31 Jan 2014
20,129 posts
Posting this in the Ultramarathon thread as well.
I'm doing a talk on my recent Spine race attempt along with Gary Kiernan who finished the race at Profeet Custom in Fulham on the 19th February, full details TBC but it will be a short run followed by mine & Garys talk & then a Q&A session. We'll talk about how we prepared for the race, what worked & more importantly what didn't work! And how we each managed our own little week of "Hell". Come along & heckle, weep, cheer or whatever you want. I'll post final details when we get them.
Jan 2014
2:58pm, 31 Jan 2014
170 posts
I'd love to know your definition of a "short" run, Ogee