Jun 2023
2:36pm, 16 Jun 2023
1,896 posts
I think training in the gym is the order for this weekend. It's hot outside, but it's hotter and more humid in the gym - they've just spent thousands on a refurb of the whole gym area - and still no decent ait conditioning. And no paper towels to clean the kit down with either, so puddles of sweat everywhere too
But if it helps me in any way for next weekend, I'm on it
Thank you for all the advice on underwear - need to order some this afternoon.
I am weirdly looking forward to this though....
Jun 2023
4:32pm, 16 Jun 2023
20,615 posts
You need a bit of flanci on your life they will make the shorts longer just means pre-ordering. All hoh need to do is email sales@flanci.Co.uk. I believe the 10% from karen10 will still work and there may be a small fee for the change but not 100% sure.
Jun 2023
4:36pm, 16 Jun 2023
3,587 posts
Long races I use Vaseline for my undercarriage and body glide for the inside of my knees.
Jun 2023
4:43pm, 16 Jun 2023
1,361 posts
Sam Jelfs
I would suggest Sudocrem instead of vaseline, it doesn't get absorbed into the skin as much, so will last for a long time. I use it for any known potential friction points.
Jun 2023
5:14pm, 16 Jun 2023
1,897 posts
From an autistic sensory point of view, both sudocrem and vaseline make me feel like I've wet myself, so I had a few pairs of long leg boxer/briefs from Costco, but I think they have stopped making them and the pairs I had are all fallen apart now
Jun 2023
5:29pm, 16 Jun 2023
6,541 posts
Little Miss Happy
It might be worth trying Skin Shield Vixx - it's more like a roll on deodorant, not creamy at all.
Jun 2023
6:28pm, 16 Jun 2023
3,933 posts
I like ron hill run guard better than body glide or vaseline (ok in an emergency!). I'd only use sudocrem after the chafing had occurred! I'm also a runderwear fan, but I have some long legged under armour underwear that are excellent; cooler and less elasticky than the runderwear. No seams!
My off road foot combo is run guard, injinji liners, then bridgedale merino trail socks. Or run guard plus merino injinjis.
Jun 2023
9:15pm, 16 Jun 2023
1,898 posts
Ooooh - all great ideas/information. Thank you LMH and jacdaw
Jun 2023
3:28pm, 17 Jun 2023
20,949 posts
Having tried numerous lubes over the year, I've now settled on Runner's Rub as the best I've found.
Footwise, as long as your foot care is good enough, and you have the right socks/shoes combo, then I'd say you don't need to do anything special in terms of preparing the feet.
On long events, anytime you stop for more than 5 mins at a CP get your shoes and socks off and let your feet air dry. It'll stop any "brain foot" even on the wettest of events.
Jun 2023
5:31pm, 17 Jun 2023
1,900 posts
Thanks flanker
Quick question for those who have suggested runderwear: what's the sizing like compared to other pants? By their measurement they use the waist, but I never have them up over my waist - I'm not Simon Cowell! I have them just around my hip and wear a L usually. Their measurements would have me on an XL.