May 2020
6:16pm, 3 May 2020
2,224 posts
zwifted and vanitied (leg day ), then have had a baking/cooking marathon : cakes and jam tarts, and now the roast is in the oven I shall sleep well tonight
May 2020
6:29pm, 3 May 2020
17,870 posts
Angus Clydesdale
Sounds brilliant.
May 2020
7:45pm, 3 May 2020
4,980 posts
Oooooo, when should we get there, frags?
Given my silly hurty ankle it's just one longish dog walk for me, today.
We were supposed to be clearing the craftoriffice and guest bedroom up this weekend to make space for the turbot and vanity station, but didn't get around to it :rolleyes: There's always tomorrow.
May 2020
7:48pm, 3 May 2020
2,225 posts
(choice of raspberry jam or lemon curd tarts - welcome here any time Rae )
May 2020
7:55pm, 3 May 2020
4,981 posts
I do love a lemon curd tart.
May 2020
8:05pm, 3 May 2020
119,629 posts
Either works. Although I have a craving for cherry pie right now.
May 2020
8:10pm, 3 May 2020
4,982 posts
And a damn fine cup of coffee?
May 2020
8:13pm, 3 May 2020
317 posts
I'm tired. Did a 40 min run this AM and then rolled into an unplanned allotment session. Went for walk with kids - walked past allotment and thought we'd have a look at ours which we are just taking over and ended up doing an hours weeding and digging. Planned on roasting a rack of lamb which I sort of did but the oven tripped and hasn't come back so finished in a pan. Still got a top oven/grill so hopefully we'll survive without resorting to a raw paleo diet!
May 2020
8:17pm, 3 May 2020
119,630 posts
This must be where pies go when they die
May 2020
12:24am, 4 May 2020
7,699 posts
Nice almost 40m cycle in the real world today, but colder than expected. Still not many cars around. Load so cyclists and actually formed a mini peloton with a couple of others out in the wilds of mid-Berkshire for 20 mins or so before I broke off. CBA on the brick run, so will go and ruin a good walk by running 18 holes of the local golf course tomorrow