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Ian Williams aka Fetch
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TriSport Fetch: The smell of 220

2 lurkers | 170 watchers
May 2020
9:53am, 1 May 2020
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I'm not sure that waving one's wanger in an enclosed hotel is really in line with current guidelines, but never mind - mine is depressingly small enough that you'd have to be standing right next to me to be at any risk.

Swim: 😂 😭 (that river is looking more and more tempting, and the lake I go to just announced it's open as a camp ground again, so we'll see what possibilities May holds)

Run: 41.7k (biggest month of this year, indeed biggest month in over a year, since the whole ankle breaking thing and apparent complete lack of stats in the first quarter of 2019. Plenty of room for improvement, though, clearly)
Bike: 58.4k (again, for what it's worth, biggest month of this year, though when I was commuting in Brx in the second half of last year I put in a fair amount more. May should be much better)

Dvd extras:

Rugbying: 😭
Vanity: 😢
dog walking: 55k
New Fetch badges 2, WSW multilayer and 4 corners
Bikes bought and then returned because they arrived damaged: 1
Pond and streams remodellings completed: 1
Retaining walls of raised beds replaced: .75
Weight: still exactly 70ish.
May 2020
10:41am, 1 May 2020
69,340 posts
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All wangers are compared to your iwn previous wangers - welcome back Rae :¬)
May 2020
10:56am, 1 May 2020
21,026 posts
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TRO Saracen
Well said Sir.

Couple of hours Zwatted, sweetspot and a sliver of VO2 Max.

There may be a race later as I bailed on the usual Thursday night TT frolic.
May 2020
11:56am, 1 May 2020
69,341 posts
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LOL TRO - I nailed a hare and hounds last night, my morning ride involved me moving , yeap that covers it I was moving while going nowhere, I should be running later and doing another gentle ride.

Racing tomorrow on something longer 83kms of Surrey Hills I believe
May 2020
7:15pm, 1 May 2020
2,221 posts
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EA - I have done a trial on Swift :-o :-)

.........and signed up for it :-)
May 2020
7:39pm, 1 May 2020
49,584 posts
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Spreading faster than coronavirus, and about as desirable. ;)

Evening all, I have started May with a run.
May 2020
8:21pm, 1 May 2020
21,027 posts
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TRO Saracen
The resistance is crumbling. The luddites have fallen.

Another short Zwatt for me this eve.

May 2020
8:22pm, 1 May 2020
21,028 posts
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TRO Saracen
I shall seek out Frag’s avatar. I reckon black kit and named something like ‘Sister of mercy’ :-)
May 2020
8:23pm, 1 May 2020
69,345 posts
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Also did an hour on zwift this evening
May 2020
8:37pm, 1 May 2020
292 posts
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I cycled round the Richmond worlds this AM. Some good numbers well done all.

I’ve had DS1’s party today. The boys have both had lockdown birthdays - they are missing their friends - so we ate lots of beige food and cake!

Tomorrow I’m signed up for 25 laps of the Volcano to tick 5, 10, 25 laps and 100km. Probably be a bit of a tow in places but should be a good long ride.

About This Thread

Maintained by GregP
Swim, bike, run, BITFO. We’re up and at ‘em at your Hotel Bastardos Tri Club.

Coming up:

16 Mar 25
* Cheetahs v Tets (Super FurRae Animal)

23 Mar 25
* Tets v RC DIOK (One DiRaection)

30 Mar 25
* Battle in the Beach (FatPod)

06 April 25
* Tets v Bassets (Raese Against)

13 April 25
* URC v Tets (Raetomic Kitten)

26 Apr 25
* Dirty Revier 130k (FatPod)

27 April 25
* Northstowe Half Marathon (GlennStoleAllThePies)

11 May 25
* Tets v Haagsche XTreme (HatebRaed)

16 May 25
* LCW Netherlands swim (Aquamondo)

17 May 25
* LCW Netherlands bike (Velomondo)
* The Gralloch (FatPod)

18 May 25
* LCW Netherlands run (Renmondo)

27 July 25
* Ironman Leeds (Nelly)

26 Sept 25
* LCW Belgium swim (Aquamondo)

27 Sept 25
* LCW Belgium bike (Velomondo)

28 Sept 25
* LCW Belgium half marathon (Renmondo)

POTM: Rae 11,918 on p20,397 (last updated 18/07/24)

Twitter: @tribastardos
The Hotel Bastardos.

With just a hint of pesto aioli.

Since 2007.
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