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Using Old Kit. - what do you get out of yours?

5 watchers
Oct 2020
10:24pm, 17 Oct 2020
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Shopping for a new jacket, I was impressed by some B Corporations' ethos on repairing and keeping stuff in use rather than replace.

Do have any kit that has lasted years? Either through quality, function or just love?

I do have some 10+ year old apparel but have not been great with reusing old tech. Like a magpie, I can get impressed by new, shiney toys. After the forerunner 305 pictured, I got a 235 which was stolen and replaced with the swish new Garmim 245.

Im going to donate the Garmin 305 pictured and took it for a test run to make sure it worked. I was impressed.

Released in 2006, the 305 was very popular with runners.

* It only has GPS on an old chipset, yet found satellites pretty fast in London

* The battery was at 50% after an hour run with 1s data recording. Impressive, as I bought this in 2007.

* It has modern features like "virtual partner" and race an old event.

* It's not "supported" by Garmin but will sync to Garmin Express computer app (USB cable, no fancy Bluetooth / phone sync here)

On the flip side, it's quite uncomfortable to wear. I suppose we didn't know any better back then.

Buttons are great but ending an activity was something I couldn't remember how to do.
Oct 2020
10:30pm, 17 Oct 2020
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Fragile Do Not Bend
I’m not surprised it was uncomfortable to wear, it’s nearly as big as a handheld GPS.
Oct 2020
11:00pm, 17 Oct 2020
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Yeah, you need a counter weight on the other side, otherwise you end up running in circles.

To update my last post, it actually doesn't sync fully with Garmin Connect - at least not from an Apple mac. I get time & distance logged but no track on the map. No idea for heart rate as I didn't have a battery for the chest strap.
Oct 2020
11:10am, 18 Oct 2020
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Removed the studs of X-Talons to make road shoes. Granite had eaten the 6 where we land on the forefoot, so removing the rest brought them back to minimal drop dry weather or road shoes.
Oct 2020
8:47pm, 20 Oct 2020
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that's extending life in a really good way :)

I had a tidy up earlier, I'm ashamed of the amount of kit I have compared to what I wear regularly. I hope I can avoid the temptation to buy any more for a long while now I know what I actually have
Oct 2020
5:46pm, 23 Oct 2020
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The battery on my old 305 wore out.

Fully charged it wouldn't last for parkrun in the end.
Oct 2020
10:33pm, 23 Oct 2020
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There are guides online to replace the 305 battery Southcoastpete, if you still have it. I thought I might break mine if I try.

Impressive repurposing of shoes Creatureofthehill.
Oct 2020
11:22pm, 23 Oct 2020
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Mrs Jigs (Luverlylegs)
I still have and still use my first pair of gloves, I bought them in 2005, there is a hole in the palm of one from when I fell a few years ago, they are my favourites so not parting with them.
Oct 2020
11:46pm, 23 Oct 2020
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I still have my first running socks, shorts & t-shirt and wear them occasionally - the shorts are too short for anywhere but lonely places on hot days. Getting on for 20 years old. Actually I've probably only worn out about three pairs of shorts and no t-shirts at all in that time.
Oct 2020
4:13pm, 24 Oct 2020
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Joined my first club in 1993. Wore my club vest from 1993 to 2018, bought a rain jacket that i still wear in 1994, shorts from 1994 occasionally (over underwear as leg elastic a bit saggy and a couple of holes), Walshes from 1995 that have been reglued twice but use at all XC races still.

My last race in the Long Eaton vest before i joined Beeston

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Shopping for a new jacket, I was impressed by some B Corporations' ethos on r...
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