Apr 2018
6:41am, 25 Apr 2018
18 posts
I'm collecting the mostly black Corgi additions, but they seem to be out of print already, as they're getting hard to track down.
I'm just on moving pictures at the moment, but I did skip Eric. I is that bad? Should I really bit myself a copy of Eric and go back?
Apr 2018
7:02am, 25 Apr 2018
102,066 posts
Eric is okay. Coming directly after Guards Guards it's always going to feel a disappointment, but it's okay.
Apr 2018
7:34am, 25 Apr 2018
2,481 posts
I've read most of Pratchett's works, and many of them more than once. Read most of them in order too! Wouldn't like to pick a favourite though.
I'm such a fan that I went to the exhibition at Salisbury museum last year.
Apr 2018
7:56am, 25 Apr 2018
17,629 posts
Lizzie W
Eric adds to our understanding of Death, I think? Not like Mort, though.
Maurice and his Educated Rodents is rather fine. Johnny and The Bomb is OK.
Apr 2018
8:07am, 25 Apr 2018
19 posts
Death is my favourite character, so I guess that makes the decision for me :D
How was the exhibition, westmoors? I'll have a few days to kill in the UK at the end of May, and be travelling between the midlands and west country. Salisbury isn't exactly en route, but it's not soooooo far out of the way either, I could probably work it in if it's worth it.
Apr 2018
11:06am, 25 Apr 2018
2,482 posts
The exhibition was really good, I spent several hours there! They had a mock up of his office, loads of stuff from his childhood including a copy of his school's magazine containing his "first published work", some of his clothing including one of his hats, and the destroyed hard drive containing his 7 incomplete works. Unfortunately the exhibition is now over.
Apr 2018
11:33am, 25 Apr 2018
28,650 posts
I like Death's grand daughter is it Susan. She's ace.
A wee aside - Pratchett wrote two "serious" (ish) sci fi books - Strata and The Dark Side of the Sun. They are ace. They were out of print for years but maybe since his death, they now seem to be available again. Really worth a read. I know this is prob sacrilege in a Discworld thread, but... I find Discworld is sometimes very patchy. Great themes and characters but writing is sometimes a bit clunky. I find some of the humour a bit heavy handed. Soz! G
Apr 2018
2:05pm, 25 Apr 2018
24 posts
I'm not really into 'proper' sci-fi or fantasy. I liked the Hobbit, for example, but couldn't get on with LOTR.
I do agree that some, especially the first two or three and the last two, of the discworld books can be a bit clunky - but some are truly sparkling and fizzing with humour and rage and sillyness.
Apr 2018
2:07pm, 25 Apr 2018
102,089 posts
Susan Sto-Helit if memory serves. Back to Thief of Time being very much one of my favourites.
May 2018
10:13am, 25 May 2018
111 posts
How do they rise up?