Nov 2021
5:47pm, 3 Nov 2021
35,603 posts
I think I understand, your saying most of your running is in the 70-80 zone?
I think most use 10% zones. You'll have to see what the HR trainers here do.
IIRC though, Seiler used a higher number for his zones.
Nov 2021
5:49pm, 3 Nov 2021
35,604 posts
I remembered I took a screenshot at the time.
I believe these are just max HR%
Nov 2021
6:06pm, 3 Nov 2021
48 posts
Mr. Grumpy
Yes SPR, my easy running is in the 70-80% of ‘max’ zone (zone 3 for me). Although I’ve never done a true max HR test, I’ve done two Lactate Threshold tests, and the 172 max that I use is a calculated guess from where I was heading on the Threshold tests and how much more I expected it to increase had I done another rep beyond what had been planned. My RHR is 38. As I questioned back in March on the Heart Rate thread, I was unsure that I was running easy enough on the easy runs, but I was following what I’d been advised following the results of the first test. I was happy with it all until I had a second test about 18 months later, where I was advised to do the easy runs at 140-148 HR!
Nov 2021
6:20pm, 3 Nov 2021
35,605 posts
I'd speak to whoever did the test to understand it. I don't think you ever got a true max? which means your zones might be out. Any easy run can't really be too slow though so I don't get narrow bands. You'd have to understand the training philosophy behind the recommendations.
Nov 2021
6:21pm, 3 Nov 2021
49 posts
Mr. Grumpy
Correction - I estimated my max at 180, but set it at 172 on my Polar, as this manipulated the Zone 3 to where I wanted it to be, as per my easy running
Nov 2021
6:26pm, 3 Nov 2021
50 posts
Mr. Grumpy
x-post there, but I did intend to raise it with the testing person, but I never ended up going for my review (May 2020) due to everything being shut down due to COVID. In their defence though, my weekly milage at the time was much less than what it morphed into due to the lockdown etc. which made me question whether the advise was only relevant to the lower milage.
Nov 2021
7:26am, 4 Nov 2021
404 posts
Interesting this, but the more I learn the more questions I have. For instance, what is “more” mileage? Let’s say I average 31 mpw. Maybe that’s Low enough to be able to stress my body with harder work for me? And 80/10/10 is not really necessary? Well for me the mileage feels like it’s up there. Ie an 80/10/10 approach seems ok now, so I’m not overdoing it.
And an other thing, the slow speeds it’s really hard, and I’m not “to good to run slow” it’s just that it doesn’t feel natural to go so slow, and it actually kinda feels like I’m not using the same movements like the natural speed and gait. Which actually makes it sore and aching in new places…
So what’s your opinions about these things?
And an other thing that bugs me. Cadence. In lower speeds I struggle to go over 160ish, and if I do, I get sore in new places. But when I run faster I naturally ends up between 170-180 and it feels somewhat natural.
If your average mileage was 30-45 mpw, what would your trading sessions be like and in what speeds? (Anyone measuring in metric?)
Nov 2021
8:28am, 4 Nov 2021
51 posts
Mr. Grumpy
My own running went from ~65k per week pre COVID to ~95k. I then had a month where I did the equivalent of a HM every day as part of a Virtual Challenge. Pity I never got to put the increased fitness to good use in a proper race.
Nov 2021
8:30am, 4 Nov 2021
405 posts
But it's not wasted yet i guess grumpy?
Nov 2021
8:36am, 4 Nov 2021
3,906 posts
Bowman, I think a really worthwhile exercise is learning to keep your running form at lower speeds. It is a learnable thing you can work on, but does take conscious effort for a while. My natural easy running pace is typically around 8 mins/mile but I can keep my form intact down to 11:30 or so, maybe even slower, but that was not always the case.