FetchPoint: The Game

1 lurker | 284 watchers
Aug 2020
2:35am, 5 Aug 2020
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Any thoughts on why my morning walk didn't actually squish the bugs I crossed? fetcheveryone.com/t-17887731

I started outside my home circle (I actually started further outside than it looks, but the GPS didn't lock on very quickly)

My track crosses the little circles round the bugs

I loaded my gpx file in like normal, and collected two sapphires.
Aug 2020
3:05am, 5 Aug 2020
17,429 posts
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The ‘Recent activity” says you squished a bug. Odd.
Aug 2020
7:44am, 5 Aug 2020
643 posts
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That was a second walk, getting a different bug (I think), that was more successful!
Aug 2020
8:03am, 5 Aug 2020
248 posts
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Jenelopy I certainly can't be definitive from the info provided, all I can see is that you've done a walk but I cannot see a reference to a map or your game grid.

So the only explanation I can come up with and it's based on how the watches work is as follows. If you ever open up a gpx file, (I've done it to micro analyse pace to get fastest run distances during runs,) the file consists of recording corodinates every x seconds (in my case it's been every 1 second, you used to be able to set accuracy which set the frequency of GPS plot points). I suspect what Fetchpoint does is compare every point to the game grid and if it's close enough to the object then the attributes of that object are used. Gems collected etc. The trail on the walk output you see will be linking all those 1 sec co-ordinate points together (think dot to dots). My guess is that your GPS has stuck/lost your run for a little while and then caught up. The plot joins the all the points together so it looks like you have a continuous trail, but in reality for the Games perspective you have a set of missing points around the bug. It does depend on how good your satellite lock was. I've had a different problem to you, the GPS plot was about 30m from where I was for about 30 seconds and I've missed items.

There was a discussion a while back about people pausing/stopping just outside their circle to ensure that their watch recorded a GPS point outside their circle. That was trying to mitigate a similar recording issue.

Sorry I can't be of more help
Aug 2020
8:29am, 5 Aug 2020
36,919 posts
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Excuse the double screen effect with Shane, my rowing hero, as my wallpaper. Just look at my failure to get that final bug by about 3 steps!

Sometimes I despair!
Aug 2020
8:36am, 5 Aug 2020
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ITG 🇮🇸
Are we supposed to get the bugs OUTSIDE the circle as well?
Aug 2020
8:49am, 5 Aug 2020
6,801 posts
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@ITG, you'll get four points if you infect a bug which isn't yours, no matter where it is, but it won't move. The points are one-off and don't repeat, so you have to re-infect again for another four points.
Aug 2020
8:52am, 5 Aug 2020
252 posts
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ITG not sure whether you would get any. General rule red bugs take out of circle and squish. Red bugs with yellow heads the same. Green/ yellow bugs have no effect on you but you get 4 points every time you run over them, you infect them. A green bug turns yellow the first time it is infected. They disappear whenever the owner squishes them or 28/30days (I can never remember which) occurs. The red bug with a yellow head is your bug that someone else has infected.

Hope it helps
Aug 2020
8:53am, 5 Aug 2020
36,920 posts
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ITG, your bugs, the red ones that cost you points each day that you don't clear them, will only appear in your circle. Other people's bugs (green or red) will appear in their circle, so anywhere at all relative to you. You'll get 4 points every time you run near them and infect them, but you won't ever clear other people's bugs.
Aug 2020
9:09am, 5 Aug 2020
9,971 posts
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ITG 🇮🇸
Right, well, marathon has just been cancelled but it's raining today so maybe I'll sign up tomorrow ;)

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