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Morning Light: The Fetchland Gardening Wire

78 watchers
Apr 2020
3:07pm, 22 Apr 2020
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My 93ish y.o. neighbour is still mowing her large grassed area :-o ! That area is almost the same dimensions as my garden, but about 20'-25' shorter due to her outbuildings and shrubs, and about 5' narrower because of the bedding area at the side. She doesn't do it all in one go, she mows a bit a day, so by the time she has done it all, the first bit needs recutting. She uses an easy to push manual mower.

Her philosophy is that she wants to do something every day to keep herself going - not just the mowing but weeding as well! It gets her out of her house as well.
Apr 2020
3:10pm, 22 Apr 2020
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Oh! Oh! Oh, hang on, I thought that you were calling Dio an older person - you meant his mother? Not that much grass really, under half an hour a time? Good exercise ;-)

It would be prime territory for a robot lawnmower though :-)
Apr 2020
3:11pm, 22 Apr 2020
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I mow the grass every other week. Her neighbour used to do it but he's getting on too, and there's a steep slope half way up it. I am doing more gardening when I go these days as it's better than just sitting watching TV with Mum.
Apr 2020
3:13pm, 22 Apr 2020
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The last couple of times Mum (88) has been weeding she has lost her balance and fallen over. As there is a river at the bottom of the garden the first bit I weeded last week was the patio by the water. Could be a hazard for both mum and the robot!
Apr 2020
3:19pm, 22 Apr 2020
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Mum (80 tomorrow) does her own gardening and would be really struggling at the moment if she couldn't be outside doing something. A neighbour had been cutting her lawn for her because she didn't like to say no when the favour was offered!
She is very mindful, though, that her mother fell off a fork whilst digging up leeks from her garden when she was 93 and broke her hip - leading to an extended stay in hospital and a rapid decline.
Apr 2020
5:15pm, 22 Apr 2020
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My neighbour (in her early eighties) spends 5-6 hours gardening per day from spring through to autumn. She's recently had to change mower because she was finding the old one too heavy. She has just about every DIY tool there is, and knows how to use them. Last year, I had to intervene when she was on the roof of her house carrying sheets of glass carrying out repairs after a hail storm and I was worried she was going to fall through the glass. She was a stay-at-home mother most of her life, and I think the physical fitness only really started when her husband died about 20 years ago.
Apr 2020
6:02pm, 22 Apr 2020
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My father (81, always been active) is reported to be doing the rounds of the supermarket forecourts scooping up bedding plants for his garden because the garden centres are shut and he likes to create a proper old fashioned display of colour. Mum keeps muttering about the amount of gardening he does, but acknowledges that he wouldn't trust anyone else to do it the way he likes it done.
Apr 2020
6:28pm, 22 Apr 2020
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Fragile Do Not Bend
Wow, some impressive seniors! I hope I’m still able to garden in my 80s.

Potatoes are now in, and my back aches.
Apr 2020
4:26pm, 24 Apr 2020
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I've been dismantling the surround from the old pond and keep finding these horrible things

Am I correct in my ID that they are "yellow slugs" and therefore my poor seedlings are in mortal danger?

I have to admit to throwing them over the fence onto the Green in the hope that they will be a bird's favourite meal
Apr 2020
5:22pm, 24 Apr 2020
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Fragile Do Not Bend
I’m not good on slug ID but it’s might be a leopard slug, if so, they are better as they eat other slugs.

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Maintained by GregP
A wire about gardening.
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