
2 lurkers | 220 watchers
Nov 2017
11:27pm, 12 Nov 2017
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57.5 Degrees of Pain
I just go running on my holidays. I now feel terribly old fashioned.

I'm at Grand Anse um, don't see any of your zones in the vicinity. Still full of the cold (acquired in Scotland) so have not run yet. I have been here a few times before and look forward to revisiting a number of my pre-Conquercise running routes.
Nov 2017
8:34am, 13 Nov 2017
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57.5 DoP - enjoy. We stayed at Petite Anse (about as far away from Grand Anse as you can get). Very different style of hotel & area,
Waterfalls are good - and if dry, the Mount Qua Qua hike is well worth it.
I'm told there's a very active hash if you want an organised run ...
Nov 2017
12:15pm, 13 Nov 2017
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57.5 Degrees of Pain
Thanks um. I have spent a bit of time in Grenada (my wife was at the medical school in the mid 90s) but mostly in the south and southwest. Been up to Sauteurs a couple of times but I do need to check out the northeast. Might be tempted to nick your zones at Grand Etang but our friends here say it's been even wetter than usual there, and will be a bit of a mudfest!
Nov 2017
12:28pm, 13 Nov 2017
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Got a few new zones. I think there should be a feature that if an owner hasn't named a zone, that anyone can name it. The owner than can then change the name to anything that isn't blank! I find all the unnamed zones confusing!

Also, a great feature would be to show the name of zones, maybe as a tooltip / hover over? And actually, other info, like the owner? Good for zones either side of a route you have done?

I've moved house, so getting loads of great new zones! :-) G
Nov 2017
12:43pm, 13 Nov 2017
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I agree on naming rights, but I seem to have given up on ownership.
Nov 2017
2:42pm, 13 Nov 2017
63 posts
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Sorry - at risk of turning into a Grenada thread ...

re Grand Etang - yes seriously muddy. 2 years ago we walked to the top of Mt Qua Qua. Returned this year - half was murky mud, half was very slippery wet red clay (the steep bits). We gave up at about half way, since we decided we'd only slip and get injured at some point, rather than just wet and muddy. After washing feet in the lake, we did see some monkeys, so the trip wasn't wasted.
Nov 2017
9:35pm, 13 Nov 2017
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57.5 Degrees of Pain
The idea of Conquered is to stimulate running in interesting places!

Wish I had brought my trail shoes now. Might try to get up to Grand Etang tomorrow. In the last post I forgot to say that I have been failing to catch up with the Grenada Hash for 22 years, hope to rectify that this Saturday.
Nov 2017
1:58pm, 14 Nov 2017
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When FDave became Discovery Dave was when he invented Conquercise. His idea was to explore new places. Fetch made it into a game. And it's brill. But if you haven't been somewhere, don't log that you have. Surely it's that simple.

Just because Zwift or any other form of logging allows you to say you went to the moon - you didn't! You can say it in Fetch too, by manual routing. But it's a complete fantasy if you do that.

If we want to track that we ran some treadmill miles, that's fine. System lets you do that. And you can even look at leagues of total miles and fastest miles etc. But you didn't go to China. Or Gran Canaria. You were in a room in Basinstoke, and you didn't move from there!

If you want to play something in Fetch to do with Zwift or other treadmill stuff, invent a new game and if there's enough interest Fetch might code that up too. But only if it's as awesome as Discovery Dave's idea was! :-) G
Nov 2017
2:04pm, 14 Nov 2017
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Though I sympathise with Ted's position of not being able to train outside and wish you all the best for the future. But doing it in a virtual place is different to being out there for real. Sorry. As I say, you could propose a new game for capturing training done in virtual locations. All the best, :-) G
Nov 2017
6:43pm, 14 Nov 2017
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Didn't know FD/DD had invented the game.

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