May 2018
10:27am, 14 May 2018
16,795 posts
TRO Toddslayer
Don't forget to pick up a pair of these as well Ankh...
May 2018
10:29am, 14 May 2018
16,796 posts
TRO Toddslayer
After a weekend of pot-bagging, rain and glory boy racing the work week begins with sun, 2.4k in the pool and a brief 45 minute sweetspot sesh on t'watter.
May 2018
10:32am, 14 May 2018
2,801 posts
Morning, there was a distinct wiff of BINGO in my room last night, first in a while. Transition skills practice and a swim set.
More swimming later today
May 2018
10:56am, 14 May 2018
8,919 posts
Morning winners
I am at my desk, after a weekend of golf and beer, (warm up round was very good, competition round was a pile of shite) i am still slightly jaded and have a mildly iffy back.
However, i will be ready for the big showdown on Sunday (Assuming i get back from Munich in time )
May 2018
10:59am, 14 May 2018
1,593 posts
MA - cycled in to work the long way today :-). Footy is mostly behaving itself, though not totally pain free yet, but certainly feels like a corner has been turned. Sports Doc consultant tomorrow to see what’s next on the plan - probably another jab in a few months time.
Pool is closed for maintenance this week, which means as of Friday when it reopens without it’s roof for the ‘summer ‘ the weather will turn positively TRO-esque in the Thames valley.
May 2018
3:43pm, 14 May 2018
13,599 posts
Angus Clydesdale
Afternoon dodgers. Glorious day for a bike ride, so we did
Must get me a pair of those shoes...
May 2018
4:16pm, 14 May 2018
3,396 posts
Lunch time run around Limehouse with some people who are very fast.
8k at 5:12 / km - nearly killed me.
May 2018
4:29pm, 14 May 2018
1,594 posts
Sports massage this afternoon - feck me that hurt at times . Pilates later
May 2018
5:08pm, 14 May 2018
16,802 posts
TRO Toddslayer
Yes Fraggers, they do. Convinced there is no science to it, they're just taught to 'poke around until the subject flinches in pain then hammer away at the same area until you think they can't take any more'.
That's what it feels like anyway.
May 2018
5:53pm, 14 May 2018
2,749 posts
Also had a sports massage this morning - TROs description pretty much sums it up!