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The Official Unofficial Book Group Book Discussion thread

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5:16pm, 6 Mar 2025
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I started The Luminaries but gave up at about the point where you are Columba. I just wasn't interested enough to persevere I'm afraid. Luckily I'd bought it in a charity shop so it went back whence it came :-)
5:42pm, 6 Mar 2025
22,703 posts
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Yes I read it, and reviewed it in the Literary Fiction wire. The review went:

"Booker Prize winner finished today - on the day it was due back at the library - cutting it close! So, as befits an 832 page book, I went through stages of this is lame, to this is amazing and why don't other authors do 832 pages, as it really lets the characters and storylines grow, and back to, I'm not so sure that the author should have written it in ever decreasing sections.

Because when it comes down to it, it's a tricksy literature device, that doesn't really increase or enhance your enjoyment of the book, although it does sound clever at first.

But when you're just looking out for the book to really deliver on it's Victorian, astrological, wannabe Dickens panache. The sections start

ending up like

7:17pm, 6 Mar 2025
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Little Nemo
There's a good book in there somewhere but the self-imposed structure spoilt it for me. I always meant to try another of her books to see if her style works in a more normal novel, not got round to this yet though!
8:33pm, 6 Mar 2025
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Red Squirrel
I’m going to an author thingy at a local bookshop. A D Bergin is the author and the book’s The Wicked of the Earth - it’s his first book. Anyone know anything about the author or the book or both?

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About This Thread

Maintained by Diogenes
Unofficial books, underground discussion, MASSIVE SPOILERS.

Some of the most discussed books include:

Piranesi by Susanna Clarke
(mind-bending mystery with halls and statues)

The Thursday Murder Club by Richard Osman (geriatric murder mystery from Britain's tallest comedic brainbox)

The Salt Path by Raynor Winn
(Memoir of a homeless couple walking the SWCP)

Milkman by Anna Burns
(Superlative prize-winning fiction)
Hive link: hive.co.uk

The Player Of Games by Iain M. Banks (Sci-Fi)
Hive link: hive.co.uk

The Watchmaker of Filigree Street by Natasha Pulley (weird steampunk)
Hive link: hive.co.uk
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