May 2019
10:40am, 9 May 2019
22,430 posts
Wriggling Snake
Yes, it's this years experiment, but it will be in a raised bed at the far end of the garden, full sun, sheltered by fences, a bit of a sun trap (well any sun we do get in Stockport will be trapped). I noticed an allotment with a small but good looking crop last year (ok, exceptional start to the summer, I know), so I thought I would have a go.
May 2019
6:16pm, 10 May 2019
39,270 posts
Of my 8 seeds sown, 6 have come up, 1 looks a bit sickly but the 5 need to be potted on soon.
May 2019
10:31pm, 12 May 2019
1,212 posts
Seedlings transplanted into the ground today. Still have a few left in pots, don’t really have space for them
May 2019
10:37pm, 12 May 2019
11,249 posts
I am going to try to join in this year and have planted some seeds in pots, nothing is happening yet! Am planning to plant out in a big tub hopefully our of reach of the local rabbit population
May 2019
2:59pm, 13 May 2019
21,832 posts
Planted mine out this weekend. Nine plants in all, up from three last year
May 2019
3:50pm, 13 May 2019
46,227 posts
The Mighty Fleecy
Potted on about 6 of mine, need to look for more pots for the rest. Getting there, they’re outside now
May 2019
5:45pm, 13 May 2019
17,569 posts
Potted on a couple as, whilst I planted mainly one seed a section, I put in some extra as security. Nearly all have gerrminated though, so I have transferred two, as I always have a problem being ruthless and throwing seedlings away.
May 2019
5:51pm, 13 May 2019
22,552 posts
Wriggling Snake
5 going strong in the porch, this weather has livened them up straight away.....I am hopeful.
May 2019
12:00am, 14 May 2019
6,080 posts
I'm out! My seeds might have been a bit old, they didn't do very well, and then squirrels got to them. I'll look forward to seeing everyone else's though.
May 2019
11:28am, 14 May 2019
17,575 posts
Try again, sallykate! You might not have the tallest sunflowers, but you'll still be a winner!
(Omg did I just type that ? I think the unaccustomed sunshine has affected me.)
My seeds were cheap Lidl ones, so you can be back in for 49p. Pick up some marigold seeds whilst you are there