Mar 2011
12:53pm, 2 Mar 2011
31,831 posts
plodding hippo
there is NO WAY I could speed up when I hit a bad patch
Mar 2011
12:56pm, 2 Mar 2011
16,133 posts
I thought it was odd advice, Plod, given that the Wall is generally the point at which people have no choice but to slow down.
Mar 2011
12:58pm, 2 Mar 2011
31,833 posts
plodding hippo
I suppose its a pseudo scientific was of saying HTFU
Now what about this film of pabseys?
Mar 2011
1:06pm, 2 Mar 2011
19,128 posts
Interesting but scary thread
Mar 2011
1:11pm, 2 Mar 2011
31,835 posts
plodding hippo
well, *obviously* you havent done a *proper* marathon unless you arwe weaving all over the road, tears streaming down your face, , on bloodied hands and knees.Topped off with a dramatic collapse across the finish line and a spell in the medical tent
(that sound like my run this morning apart form the medical tent bit)
Mar 2011
1:14pm, 2 Mar 2011
4,734 posts
This isn't something I suffer with, but I have had one shocker of a marathon at FLM 09. I still to this day do not know what went wrong, my target was slightly conservative. But anyway, go wrong it did, and when I hit what I expect was a few bricks of the wall, I smacked into it multiple times, I told St Johns Ambulance people I was having a stroke!!!! I really thought I was, my right hand side was completely paralysed. That day was a nightmare lol. I think I must have just been ill that day and when it started to go wrong, just drop the pace rather than half kill myself.
I think that with proper training and fuelling this said wall can be avoided. I've not hit it since, and done another 70 odd marathons since then, a few of which I've pushed to my absolute limit, so it can't just be about effort.
Mar 2011
1:15pm, 2 Mar 2011
4,735 posts
I have however, lol, had the experiences PH suggests without hitting the wall. i'm not sure that even makes sense!! I seem to just have the odd collapse and medical assistance now and again!
Mar 2011
9:33am, 3 Mar 2011
23,129 posts
Hills of Death (HOD)
That was you just being stubborn GF !!!!!
Mar 2011
9:35am, 3 Mar 2011
1,020 posts
The Penketh Runner
I always seem to slow down around mile 20 and then go to a walk / run strategy. I've never had the weaving across the road thing or needed any type of medical assistance.
I've never seemed to suffer from the classic wall symptoms.
Mar 2011
9:38am, 3 Mar 2011
31,847 posts
plodding hippo
good for you PR