The Balance: Running and Life

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Jul 2015
1:12pm, 23 Jul 2015
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Good thread :) I find it much easier now my kids don't care quite so much if I abandon them - and I am working on converting one of them to running ;) I find that most of the time I can set weekly times to run - so Tuesday is Club night, Wednesday I do an easy run with Resolution Runners, Thursday if I'm not working I run early evening, Saturday is another Resolution Runners slot but if I'm training for a specific race I sometimes add to this, long run on Sunday is pretty sacrosanct. Having said all that there are weeks when it won't work - I try & fit things in if I can but sometimes it's just not feasible. I reduce the mileage a fair bit when I haven't a target race in view. I admit that I am nervous of taking on a marathon for exactly this balance reason - I only want to do one if I can make a good stab at preparing well and getting a respectable time - and it is the training load that worries me more than actually completing the distance come race day!
Jul 2015
1:27pm, 23 Jul 2015
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Nelly, I don't run as much at lunchtimes as feel like I would need to be in work for another 45 minutes or so to give time for run / shower etc. That then becomes difficult to get that time to do that when I need to leave early or be in late with doing the school run, coaching the football teams etc and having around a 50 minute to hour commute each way. I have tried to do something of getting away from the desk with going for a short walk on some lunchtimes which won't take up more time off my working day, but gets the step count up on my vivoactive ;-).

To an extent I am learning and trying to figure out the best time to do stuff as with the longer I have been with my girlfriend the more I am doing with the kids. She changed jobs a few months ago with different shifts each week with no regular pattern and she is starting Uni in September so hard to claim a day or two or longer time for myself. I'm hoping and expecting the Summer Holidays with no school runs will give me a bit more time to run at lunchtime or whenever.

I'm good with the excuses at least, but I know something needs to give somewhere.
Jul 2015
1:28pm, 23 Jul 2015
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As Nelly suggests I fit in two or three runs a week at lunchtime at work. I find it really hard to get out once I get back from work as it is kids' bedtimes. Feel guilty about going out after they've settled down as there's washing up and tidying to do and have so little quality time to spend with OH. Weekends I try to combine running with activities with the family e.g. take the kids to a soft play area 6 or 7 miles away, then I'll run back home while OH drives back with the kids.
Jul 2015
1:44pm, 23 Jul 2015
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DiscoSteve, never really thought about the running back from a day out or wherever. That would probably be a good thing if could plan that. Even getting dropped off part way home on a longer route. Sets a good example to the kids I suppose as well as they see you doing more active things.
Jul 2015
1:47pm, 23 Jul 2015
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Good thread, it's something I've struggled with in the past. I actually first started running a couple of months before my wife gave birth to our daughter so my timing wasn't great. I had trained for and completed my first (and so far only) marathon before she turned 1 so you could definitely argue I got the balance wrong during that time although I made sure I was a hands-on dad when I wasn't running.

Since starting running again earlier this year I've tried to make more of an effort to run when it doesn't impact on my wife/daughter, so at the weekend making sure I get up early to run so that I'm back early enough that it doesn't stop us spending time together for the rest of the day and doing at least one of my mid-week runs before work, although anything over an hour before work is a struggle to get up early enough for!
Jul 2015
2:13pm, 23 Jul 2015
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Hills of Death (HOD)
Don't think you can let work get in the way of a good run ;-)
Jul 2015
2:36pm, 23 Jul 2015
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Bribes? after completing a tough cross-country marathon last year I took the family out for a slap-up meal. Expensive way of keeping the peace!
Jul 2015
2:45pm, 23 Jul 2015
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When I was marathon training (those days seem long ago..), when my long runs were getting up towards 20 miles, I was actually booking a day's holiday from work to fit them in, otherwise they would have written off half the weekend.
Jul 2015
2:55pm, 23 Jul 2015
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when my kids were younger I used to catch a run whilst they were at their various clubs, so a 45 minute badminton club for them, and a quick nip round the block for me and we all go home happy and knackered. that night usually always ended up as my speed session as I was always worried i would be late back, so would blast it.
Jul 2015
3:03pm, 23 Jul 2015
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Fleece and Dust
Oh yeah, I used to do that too Star, it's a brilliant way of everyone getting their exercise in. I'd dump the kids at karate and do hills for 55 minutes. Sign the kids up for evening clubs!

I've also used errands as a way to fit runs in. Dropping the car at the garage and running home, that sort of thing.

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Maintained by fetcheveryone
Lately I have been thinking more and more about the balance. The balance between work and life, runn...

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