Sep 2021
6:08pm, 26 Sep 2021
49,849 posts
That sounds manageable, RB
Sep 2021
7:04pm, 26 Sep 2021
2,359 posts
Yes, RB, it's the prep that really adds up and we get so little time allowed for it. One of my old colleagues has moved to another university with 18 hours of contact time a week, I have no idea how she'll do it all, let alone research on top.
I had a lot of comments about organisation last year, so I'm trying to upload everything on a Friday evening, but I doubt that will survive contact with reality. Already I'm waiting on notes for a session being given on Wed. The joys of managing multiple lecturers (including externals) on the same module, something I wouldn't have to worry about with OU.
Sep 2021
8:20am, 27 Sep 2021
53,198 posts
On the down side, OU teaching is mostly marking and we do have to give a lot of feedback compared with most brick unis I think. Ds1 gets maybe a few comments per assignment! But I bet Cambridge can get away with that…Other lecturers I speak to say they give a lot less than we do. It’s incredibly time consuming, but given students don’t have many tutorials, it’s our main contact with them really.
Sep 2021
8:35am, 27 Sep 2021
1,218 posts
Marking can be a bit of a mare at certain points during the year when module assignments clash, so February and May are manic. But I monitored all the time I spent on OU last year and found that I was within the hours I was expected to do (apart from supervising projects, although that was offset elsewhere). At Keele, even with a tiny teaching contract there were a lot of scripts to mark that took a lot longer than the official time allocated to them. I just wish students all read the feedback - you can certainly tell who does.
Oct 2021
8:29am, 12 Oct 2021
4,318 posts
How are we doing? Are we all ok?
Oct 2021
8:50am, 12 Oct 2021
50,126 posts
Surviving, thanks. How about you?
Oct 2021
9:28am, 12 Oct 2021
2,380 posts
One of our 4-person teaching team is currently off with covid. Apparently 6! in psychology are also off. (Mostly caught from their own children to be fair.)
Now the university has stopped sending weekly covid emails, so it must all be over. Yay! /s
We're supposed to be getting students to wear masks etc, but that horse has bolted. I'm going to try to enforce it for this week because the external lecturer who is teaching this week is in his 80s, but I'll probably have to buy masks and hand them out to make it happen.
Oct 2021
3:25pm, 12 Oct 2021
50,128 posts
Ours are still complying with the mask mandate. At least mine are.
Oct 2021
3:57pm, 12 Oct 2021
4,319 posts
Hanging on by our fingernails in primary. Not as much absence as secondary although I have had the most children absent (9/30) that I have ever had in 32 years of teaching and sooooo tired. It's all been very hard work.
Oct 2021
6:03pm, 12 Oct 2021
2,383 posts
9 out of 30 is a lot Cyclops. Would you go to online teaching for all (at least temporarily) if it was up to you?