Jan 2021
8:02pm, 2 Jan 2021
314 posts
I am a HLTA (0.4) and UQT (0.6) Finding all the teacher bashing posts quite upsetting.
I will be at work Monday, even though I am scared of what awaits. I know kids in my class has been mixing iver the holidays, and could pass something on that in turn, I could bring home to my own family. Working from home is something I am happy to do, but sadly, our school is expected to stay open, even though we are in tier 4 and our cases are rising rapidly.
My daughter is year 13 so due back on 11th. She has an exam that day, so has no choice but to go in. There have been over 50 positive cases at her school.
It just seems a big mess at the moment.
Jan 2021
8:07pm, 2 Jan 2021
3,905 posts
The teacher bashing is horrible. Just heard someone on the radio saying 'we need to know if students and teachers are at exceptional risk' before they consider closing schools. Not just 'at risk' but 'exceptional!'
Jan 2021
8:12pm, 2 Jan 2021
315 posts
It’s the ones that are saying,
‘Teachers refusing to work’ ‘Lazy Teachers just want extra holiday’ that are getting to me.
I don’t know a single teacher refusing to work.
Extra holiday? FfS we have to work during our holiday and if schools close we will be working double hard to make sure online lessons can be accessed by all, whilst looking after KW&VC bubbles.
Jan 2021
8:31pm, 2 Jan 2021
1,841 posts
Don't listen to the bashers, they have no idea what teachers do.
I don't think it matters whether you're in the union or not MrsB, I think they're using H&S legislation as the prevailing reason for not going in, so it would depend on whether the school has done a risk assessment and whether it takes into account the new strain (and individuals who may be at higher risk).
If I had kids, I don't think I'd be sending them into our local schools (not that I've heard anything bad), because our local cases are considerably worse than they were in lockdown 1.
I was content teaching under our covid-safe rules last semester, I'm not sure I'll be so keen next semester if the new strain is still so prevalent.
Jan 2021
8:36pm, 2 Jan 2021
316 posts
You’re right GG, but it doesn’t make reading it any easier.
Jan 2021
8:48pm, 2 Jan 2021
3,068 posts
TBR (TheBeardRunner)
Another reason why I genuinely don't listen to the news at all nowadays.
Jan 2021
9:07pm, 2 Jan 2021
3,906 posts
Our school has done a risk assessment... but that assumes that the children sit 2m apart (they don't) and that they don't break bubbles by being crowded in the corridors (they do). Oh, and that they are at least 2m away from us while we are teaching (they aren't).
Jan 2021
1:18pm, 3 Jan 2021
117 posts
How is everyone feeling with the latest stuff from NEU.
My children's school in tier 3 has just announced closure on the back of the gudinace from the union.
Have applied for the keyworker childcare and been told to do inset stuff from home tommorrow.
I wish this would be over.
Jan 2021
2:14pm, 3 Jan 2021
3,073 posts
TBR (TheBeardRunner)
I think things are just so fluid and changing all the time I avoid the news and wait for colleagues to keep me updated. Going in tomorrow even though we've been told we don't have to (it's inset day) so I can decide with my HoD how to set lessons for the week.
Jan 2021
2:25pm, 3 Jan 2021
24,372 posts
Lizzie Whizzmas
Mr W will have to do live online lessons - I don't think he should be expected to have/teach T9 too?