Feb 2021
2:25pm, 16 Feb 2021
1,998 posts
Safest place on campus confirmed at the induction today. One student with confirmed covid ended up in the lab last semester, but all the controls worked and no-one caught it.
Feb 2021
3:31pm, 16 Feb 2021
45,039 posts
That's good. We are now getting students asking about Sept.
Feb 2021
6:46pm, 16 Feb 2021
3,982 posts
It is Tuesday of half term and I am just about back to being able to talk coherently again! I have packed my work laptop and all my books away (although I am aware that I have a class set of A level topic tests to mark) and am trying really hard no to do anything school related this week. The lack of a break between home and work was grim over the last few weeks. As was having to almost write a script for each lesson as I couldn't rely on questions/interactions with students to ask questions/make comments as they normally would to move the subject along.
I am dreading another draining fortnight of online learning and then being plunged back in to full on 'in school' teaching for the rest of the term when already knackered - but we will get though it!
And hopefully we will have some clarity about what is happening with GCSEs and A levels by then. At least the IGCSEs are 'cancelled' now too - at one point we had students with some exams cancelled and some going ahead.
Feb 2021
10:27am, 17 Feb 2021
20,340 posts
Hope you manage to get some down time over the next couple of days Mrs B. It's really tough at the moment!
Feb 2021
12:48pm, 17 Feb 2021
2,001 posts
I hope you manage to get the mental break you need. I was getting to the stage where I wasn't making sense anymore at the end of the marking cycle. Far too many late nights to get that done. It's definitely harder to get them to engage online. We're finding exactly the same, where there are literally no questions on two hours worth of lecture material, so we have to have a backup plan for every live session.
It certainly feels tougher this semester than last, but going straight from marking into the semester that's always tougher/more involved hasn't helped. Next week I have 8 working hours that aren't currently booked with meetings or teaching.
Feb 2021
12:53pm, 17 Feb 2021
45,072 posts
I have a week like that this week, g_g. I'm on my knees.
Feb 2021
12:58pm, 17 Feb 2021
2,004 posts
I can't believe it's only week 2 of the semester.
Feb 2021
4:25pm, 17 Feb 2021
45,074 posts
It's week five for us, but I'm teaching right through to July (with two weeks non-teaching between semesters)
Feb 2021
9:47pm, 17 Feb 2021
2,005 posts
We will have 3 weeks after Easter and then another load of marking. The masters students will be here all summer though, and a new lot in Sep, which is going to cause a big crunch then too.
Feb 2021
9:52pm, 17 Feb 2021
45,082 posts
Yes, us too. I hate it.