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Stockport 10

12 watchers
Dec 2011
11:59am, 11 Dec 2011
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Great race! Very very wet! The marshals do a fab job as it's a bit round the houses. Love the soap on a rope :-) Time per garmin 1:30:47. I was hoping for 1:30 so happy with that. Well done everyone :-)
Dec 2011
1:34pm, 11 Dec 2011
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Yeah,I feel the MET office have made a bit of a fool out of me! The forecast for today was more accurate last night than it was this morning. Great job on the 1:30, Windassisted. Agree totally about the marshalls, many of them will be out there stood still for over 2 hours but they still do a cracking job.

Got to the track and found my Garmin was dead, so struggled to pace myself a bit, but I think the clock at the end said something like 1:23 which will do me. My 10 mile pb (1:17:12) is my best time across any distance but it was set on a pancake flat course so I was always going to struggle to beat it even if I'd trained well. Which I hadn't.

Last year I did lots of proper hill training before it, and got round in 1:27. This year I've probably ran 5 times in total in 8 weeks, my fitness got me round the flatter bits but there was just no power in the legs to attack the hills.

Didn't hang around after the finish so may have missed some of you, but on the other hand on the way out I did see 3 people in fetch shirts between the entrance to the park and the last corner before the track, hope my "Great job Fetchie!" was appreciated if you're reading this (I was the guy walking the other way, in the black long-sleeved top)!

Thought Tony Audenshaw on the mic was hilarious!
Dec 2011
1:53pm, 11 Dec 2011
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Well done to you all for braving the weather!

Great to meet some of you AND get some lovely flapjack :) :) :)

I can't get warm- it must have been grim for the marshals having to stand still for quite some time! I was particularly impressed by the impromptu drinks station. Apparently the people at the kennels near the water station tried to stop the people who nicked it, but they were ignored. Unbelievable!

Well done everyone :)
Dec 2011
2:01pm, 11 Dec 2011
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Hi Morticia! I was just talking about you on the NW Fetchies thread :)

It was a great race and as usual the marshalls were superb. So encouraging and friendly, it makes such a difference. And brilliant to have some water available after all. There was so much falling from the sky but it always gives me a boost to have a bit of a drink half way round.

Welll done all - a good day out :)
Dec 2011
2:34pm, 11 Dec 2011
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Even with several layers on I cannot get warm. Please can one of you come round and take my dog out for a walk as I just can't face the outdoors again today? It's not much to ask!
Dec 2011
2:42pm, 11 Dec 2011
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Definately a race to add to my list for next year. Marshalls were fantastic. :-)

Had lots of people encouraging me as I came through the park which really gave me a boost :-)

Off out for tea later, hope they've got the heating on full ;-)
Dec 2011
2:45pm, 11 Dec 2011
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I can't get warm either. Just seen the results. 1.38.30 - reasonably pleased but wish I'd pushed on a bit more now. Oh well. It IS hilly isn't it?
Dec 2011
3:13pm, 11 Dec 2011
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A real race of 2 halves for me- excellent company the 1st half then my legs decided they had remembered how to run again after a couple of dodgy weeks. :)
I'll be back next year for sure.
Like you Jen wished I'd pushed a bit more tho I reckon that bliddy lace cost me at least 30 secs at mile 9

Dec 2011
3:16pm, 11 Dec 2011
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I was wet and cold at the end but not tired in the least. I suppose this is a good thing? Well done to MancGirl - just seen you in the results :)
Dec 2011
4:07pm, 11 Dec 2011
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Well done to Lightning McQueen for breaking through the 60% WAVA on this hilly and wet one.

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Maintained by MabelMoonface
I've just entered this. What do I need to know? It looks like if might be a bit hilly, so should be...
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