So who won the tour from 1999 to 2005

80 watchers
Mar 2018
6:15pm, 18 Mar 2018
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It's not me alleging Ethiopia is poor, this is the IAAF:

This is the Guardian's undercover investigation:
Mar 2018
6:17pm, 18 Mar 2018
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Aden, perhaps not a coach, but a "facilitator" in 2015, whatever that means:
Mar 2018
6:29pm, 18 Mar 2018
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Re Doubles, number of rounds, etc. Gebrselassie didn't attempt the double because of this.
Mar 2018
6:34pm, 18 Mar 2018
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And I'm not saying Farah or Froome are definitely cheats, but there is just too many discrepancies for me, and I believe the probability is they are more likely to be dopers. The sad truth is when someone wins the Tour De France, the probability is absolutely massive that they doped.

So (excluding Wiggins and Froome over recent doubts) Evans, Sastre, and Nibali look like the only squeaky clean winners since 1990 and Greg Lemond (of course Nibali won during an era when his team had five separate drugs test failures, and was disqualified from a classic for a sticky bottle incident, so is not above cheating himself, and has been accused of moto-doping in the past).
Mar 2018
6:53pm, 18 Mar 2018
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Jo Pavey is very vocal on the subject of being beaten by people she knew were taking drugs and who seemingly got away with it - although she has had a few post-dated medals when drug tests caught up with the perpetrators, she is still bitter about not standing on the podium at the competition.
Mar 2018
9:08am, 19 Mar 2018
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The Teaboy
Re: Farah and Aden

Farah denied when asked in interview having known Aden or trained with him.

It was subsequently pointed out that Aden was mentioned in his autobiography, that he had lied about being in Font Romeu when the photographic evidence was of Sabadell where Aden was coaching at the time and Aden has run training sessions on behalf of Salazar for Farah.
Mar 2018
9:40am, 19 Mar 2018
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The transcript of the bit which is supposedly Farah denying knowing him is this:-
"McKenna [sic]: I was wondering as someone who preaches clean athletics, I was wondering about your association, and repeatedly, your association with people from [Alberto] Salazar to John Smith to [Jama] Aden. And secondly, in terms of Aden, when you explained it, you said he was just holding a stopwatch for you yet his daughter on Twitter today was posting pictures of you having dinner at his house and she said and I quote, ‘We’re very good friends and my dad trains with him.’

Farah: Sorry, who’s that? (emphasis ours)

McKenna: Jama Aden.

Farah: Obviously, you know it’s a small sport… There’s so many athletes by getting pictures of them — obviously you’re taking a picture, you’re not going to say no, are you? So it doesn’t mean you train with them."

Now, I wasn't there but that doesn't strike me as a denial of knowing the guy. At worst, I can read that as Farah downplaying his association with him (perhaps because he suspects he's not entirely kosher but doesn't really want to say that explicitly). Farah isn't exactly adept at dealing with the media. And journalists like MacKenna aren't exactly out to paint Farah as a saint.

People like MacKenna take lines like that and spin them into something they're not. And then forum posters take those journalists reports and spin them into undisputed facts.

I agree the Sabadell photo thing is an odd cockup, but let's face it that's hardly damning evidence of anything is it - it's a photographic record of being in Sabadell, which if you were trying to avoid being photographed there is not exactly something you'd stick on your own twitter feed. The text under his tweet is "In Font Romeu... Trainings going good!! next stop..... commonwealth Games...!! Shabba " So it's perfectly plausble to read that as "I'm now in Font Romeu. Trainings going well (see the photos of me training). Next stop CWG etc etc".

It's no great surprise that different training groups train in similar locations, and there's plenty of photos of people like Haile with Aden. If we're doing guilt by association now it's a sorry world.

Would it be better if Farah sat down and gave a line by line rebuttal to all the forum and journalistic nonsense? Probably, yes. Would he do a good job of it? Probably, no!
Mar 2018
10:54am, 19 Mar 2018
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The Teaboy
Agreed he wouldn't give a great rebuttal. He's never struck me as the sharpest tool in the box.
Mar 2018
11:09am, 19 Mar 2018
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In terms of factors that make Mo vulnerable to this sort of accusation, I personally think (in no particular order) they are:-
- He's not very good at dealing with the press
- He's a Somali immigrant in the eyes of some parts of our racist gutter press
- He trusts his own judgement
- He lacks a degree of empathy in terms of seeing his performances from other people's perspectives
- He gets a little carried away with the celebrity stuff
- He has some poor advisers that he trusts (?his wife?)
- He sold himself short in the early part of his career
- He doesn't talk enough to the press to get them on-side
Mar 2018
4:22pm, 19 Mar 2018
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Spotted this today in "Mo news". I know this isn't entirely the right forum, but whilst I've been posting here it feels relevant.

I've not fact checked the various bits, and of course letsrun add their own flavour to it.

If you view libel laws as a way to keep someone silent, you'll view this one way. If you view libel laws as a way to ensure that untruths against you are retracted, you'll view it the other.

Can you guess which side of the fence I sit on?

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Given that Lance's wins now don't count.

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