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Slow and Proud (SAP) Club

77 watchers
Apr 2021
8:44pm, 1 Apr 2021
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Lip Gloss
L10, I have a 10k medal still in an envelope as I haven’t done the race yet either. I have the whole year but I would like to do it soon , mostly to prove I can run at least 6 miles again
Apr 2021
4:14pm, 4 Apr 2021
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I've nearly been gone a few times over the years due to it 😉 .

The real stress is that the doc listened, panicked me, told me not to over do it ~ thus removing one of my pain and mental wellbeing, controls away ~ and then the hospital decided it wasn't that important and investigation could wait. One of the G.P's at the health centre knew what'd happened but didn't pass the info onto my own GP ... who went a bit bat crap crazy that no one read his note as to why he wanted me in the system and under investigation, irrespective of the then approaching pandemic ...

And this year the annual routine checks I have for my pancreas have highlighted that my liver is now getting in on the act of misbehaviour! No wonder 50% of those who have CP cark it in the first 7 years following diagnosis (I'm almost at the 8 year point 😆 )

If I were a race horse I'd be carefully watching for my racing name to be changed to 'Glue Factory' 😆 😉 🤣
Apr 2021
11:03am, 5 Apr 2021
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*waves* to everybody. :)

Bummer Dec, hope they catch up with you soon.

I was off running most of the winter with a pain in the bum, Dr Google diagnosed it as piriformis syndrome. I had a few sports massages, the first really loosened up the glutes, but I think time played a big part. I've been run/walking for about a month now and just get slower and slower. :) I know the condition is still there a bit so I'll keep on taking it easy and hopefully get a bit more joined-up running soon.
Apr 2021
9:07am, 6 Apr 2021
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You and me both AR still not 100%

Just have to keep up the exercises.
Apr 2021
9:26am, 11 Apr 2021
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Nutso Lazytoad!
Hi dec, so sorry to hear that I hope they get you looked at soon.

Alpen sounds a bummer hope you’re doing better now and sounds like you are.

I’m off running lots of walking even a mountain or two but not feeling the running love. I’m so looking forwards to the gym opening Monday. It’s been a rough start tithe year with my dad dying but I’m back smiling and my fella is bring awesome.
Apr 2021
9:28am, 11 Apr 2021
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Lip Gloss
Shame about your dad Nuts but glad to see you happy x
Apr 2021
6:05pm, 11 Apr 2021
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Hi all. Nutso I’m so sorry for your loss, it’s good to hear you are smiling again.

I’m knackered, we went out for a run this morning aiming for maybe 11 miles and we did 15. 6 weeks to Windermere marathon so there is time for a couple more longer runs before the taper. I’ve always been best at the tapering and carb loading.

Hope everyone is getting outside for a bit of fresh air and avoiding the weird weather - 4 seasons in one day here today!
Apr 2021
6:28pm, 11 Apr 2021
50,619 posts
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Lip Gloss
Did 5 miles yesterday. My longest since injury in Feb so making progress. Ankle is still an issue although it wasn’t the cause of the first injury.

Got my 2nd vaccine yesterday so I’m good to go :-)
Apr 2021
6:42pm, 11 Apr 2021
2,677 posts
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Sounds like a lot of you are doing it tough, I'm sorry about that, hugs from me xx
Apr 2021
7:56pm, 11 Apr 2021
50,132 posts
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Sorry to hear about your Dad Nut. (()) Hope you enjoy the gym, maybe you'll fancy running again soon but walking's very good too. :)

That's great Lem, I think you'll be the most prepared ever for it this year. It sounds like retirement suits you. :)

About This Thread

Maintained by
star star we are the Slow and Proud Club (formed on 04/02/12) This thread was formerly an offshoot of the Absolute Beginners thread star star

Come and join us - we do not judge people on their pace and you will receive lots of encouragement.

We are proud that we are getting off our couches and getting out there, no matter how slow!


*** target events for 2020
*** target distances for 2020
*** target annual mileage for 2020
*** other SAP goals for 2020
[revised 05/10/20]

medal Nutso - half marathon medal

XXX GimmeMedals - Run Your Heart Out 10k (cancelled due to weather)

XXX Lip Gloss - Smokies 10m (DNS due to other events)

XXX Lip Gloss - Declaration of Arbroath 700th Anniversary Half Marathon (11th) POSTPONED
XXX Wazelle - Brighton Marathon (19th) POSTPONED
XXX Alpenrose - M12K 2020 Marnhull (19th) CANCELLED
XXX Mulbs - London Marathon (26th) POSTPONED

XXX Lip Gloss - Chariots of Fire 5k CANCELLED
XXX Womble - Cranleigh Trail Half walk (10th) CANCELLED
XXX Lemon10 - Windermere Marathon (17th) POSTPONED



XXX Lip Gloss - Hatton 10k CANCELLED
XXX Womble - South Coast Challenge [walk first quarter c15 miles] (29th) POSTPONED UNTIL 2021 (NOW SIGNED UP FOR 50KM)

* Wazelle - Brighton Marathon (rescheduled date) VIRTUAL EVENT

XXX GimmeMedals - Great South Run (18th) CANCELLED
XXX Womble - Beachy Head Marathon (DEFERRED TO 2021)
XXX Mulbs - London Marathon (rescheduled date) CANCELLED

XXX Lemon10 - Windermere Marathon (1st - rescheduled date) CANCELLED


Womble's Goals
1) Keep doing my leg exercises and add ankles to the plan
2) Cto5k/10k my way
3) Concentrate on 5k then 10k times
4) Try to get to +300 miles in a year (plus 1000 walking miles)
5) Arrive at the BH marathon start line fit and healthy, and have fun whilst covering the challenge


Mulb's Goals
1) to start building some strength and flexibility work into my week
2) to get back in to walking every day for at least 30 mins
3) to shift some of the extra heft I've gained this year

To be archived: docs.google.com

[edited Dec 2019]
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