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Round Norfolk Relay - Live

45 watchers
Mar 2012
9:37am, 8 Mar 2012
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I would also include the start and finish into the Ops Manager's remit. As you say Nightjar 'doesn't sound like a job to be underestimated!'
Mar 2012
8:59am, 14 Mar 2012
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Forest Faerie
Can anyone help?, email received this morning


Dear friend of the Round Norfolk Relay,

You may have seen the notice from Paul Sullivan on the race website www.roundnorfolkrelay.com which for your convenience I replicate below.

”I regret to announce that because of manpower problems on the Round Norfolk Relay Committee we are unable to open for entries at present. We are making every effort to resolve the situation and a further notice will be placed on the News page in due course. Paul Sullivan - Race Director 27th Feb 2012”.

The manpower problems to which Paul refers mean that as things stand we cannot go ahead with the race this year. A recent resignation has further compounded problems.

The following roles (the first three of which are committee positions) could be reasonably covered by a minimum of two people but in order to ensure a viable and long term solution, we would ideally like to split the roles amongst up to four individuals.

Our requirements are:-

Marshall Coordinator

Liaison with volunteer clubs, the issuing of briefing notes and equipment to marshals assigned to each changeover and overall coordination of manpower around the course. The updating of briefing notes according to feedback and recommendations. Visiting of changeovers over the race weekend to monitor the effectiveness of marshalling procedures.

Facilities Coordinator

In charge of arrangements for changeovers including where necessary clearance of facilities around the course and access permissions where required. Contact and Liaison with refreshment providers. Maintenance and updating of facilities spread sheet.

Safety Officer

Production of safety policy and safety rules. Liaison with Norfolk police. Responsibility for pre race safety planning, race risk assessment and monitoring of all safety aspects during the race. Production of post race report

Race HQ support

Supervision of start and finish arrangements. Assist with other tasks as required at Lynnsport.

The RNR committee will meet on 4th April and based on the results of our recruitment efforts, decide whether we can proceed this year’s race. Effectively we have three weeks to sort something out.

We ask that you treat our plea as a matter of urgency and pursue any possibilities that come to mind. If you have any ideas or possible leads, please contact us at admin@roundnorfolkrelay.com .

Remember, we are talking about the future of what is probably the most renowned and eagerly anticipated relay running race in the UK. Over the past 25 years many thousands of runners of all abilities have looked forward to being part of this challenging and exciting running spectacle. Are we really going to let this great race slip through our fingers due to the lack of a few volunteers willing to commit a small part of their spare time? A sobering thought ............ and one which we hope you will all give some time to mull over. Rest assured, the RNR committee are on the case every hour every day but we do need help – your help!

Many thanks in anticipation of all your efforts.

The RNR team
Mar 2012
9:11am, 14 Mar 2012
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JJ Flash
Big :(

I live too far from Norfolk to be able to help with this. Wish I could. It's the best event of the year for me.
Mar 2012
9:41am, 14 Mar 2012
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It is :) Lots of club emails flying around :)
Mar 2012
9:57am, 14 Mar 2012
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Good stuff OB. I'd love to help but I'm miles away and we (our club) really struggle for numbers to take part in this event (and run a changeover and mark a stage out) as it is.. By the looks of things, anyone taking on one of these positions would be pretty busy during the race weekend, so might not be possible if you're already likely to be running or otherwise involved with a team (e.g. driving support car, etc)
Mar 2012
10:12am, 14 Mar 2012
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We have the same problem emdee - small club, marshalling a changeover and supporting a team. T'would be a real shame if it doesn't go ahead though :-(
Mar 2012
1:26pm, 14 Mar 2012
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I think you could expect to be very busy for the whole race weekend whatever your involvement is! That for me is not the problem - it's the amount of work that would be required before the event. I think it quite do-able by phone and email with perhaps the occasional visit to Norfok but tricky to balance with the regular day job. I do hope some people with spare time can be found.
Mar 2012
6:14pm, 14 Mar 2012
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Cats Whiskers
Thanks everyone for posting here. If you think you can help in any way, please get in touch with us via the admin@roundnorfolkrelay.com address. The jobs mentioned may not be as big as you think!
Mar 2012
11:20pm, 17 Mar 2012
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As per what others are saying. Lot of emails being sent through club, but most if not all would prevent those wishing to partake in the actual running. If job sharing could be done it may be more workable such as Safety Officer - ideal for those who are H&S trained
Mar 2012
7:39pm, 20 Mar 2012
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Cats Whiskers
It's helpful to know what the current feeling is, icklevee. The RNR committee members have often run a stage over the weekend, as well as carrying out their official duties, so running and being on the committee aren't necessarily incompatible.

We're meeting in a couple of weeks to discuss any offers of help we've had and to decide whether we can put together a workable plan to ensure the safe running of the event this year. If anyone feels they can offer help but can't commit to everything that's being asked, it might be possible to work job shares, so please do get in touch!


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