Reducing single-use/disposable plastic

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Jun 2019
8:45am, 20 Jun 2019
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Fortunately we have a farm shop nearby that offers small paper bags for one's produce and baked goods.
Jun 2019
8:50am, 20 Jun 2019
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What a ridiculous system our council is about to implement. At the moment it's black bin one week, blue bin the next. They are changing it to Blue, Blue, Black...

Now, if my recycling bin lasts two weeks, then I won't need it emptied after one the following week.

This is to replace their previously stupid idea (as they were denied funding for it) of taking away our black bin, replacing it with a small black bin and giving us a second recycling bin. One recycling bin would be paper, one would be tins (at the moment they're all mixed). Even if this did increase recycling, how long would it take to pay back all of those extra bins?
Jun 2019
11:24am, 20 Jun 2019
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run free
RR - (am not defending them but this is what have read) - the UK is supposed to be reducing general waste and heading towards a zero waste - which means general landfill waste minimisation.

Recycling is supposed to be one of those intended waste minimisation initiatives but many find this difficult due to supermarkets having not been part of that picture. (believe they are only creating more single-use alternatives that cannot be recycled in order to move on from plastic).

You might have already noted that for over 12 years the UK has been sending our "recyclables" + mixed in with about 10-20% of our general waste (contamination) to developing countries who do not have the facilities to manage their own waste!
Jun 2019
11:27am, 20 Jun 2019
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run free
My guess is the council need to show how they have improved materials that can be recycled and should be questioned on how the shops are helping to improve that otherwise they will risk receiving a whole lot of "wishful-cycling" - People putting stuff in the blue bin that they feel should be recycled - that will contaminate the truck.
Jun 2019
12:28pm, 20 Jun 2019
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It's hard to know what can go in which bin and where. Things are recycled by Suffolk CC which aren't elsewhere (tetra-paks, black plastic trays for example). But the whole bloody thing is pointless if it's ending up dumped on the other side of the world :(

What's pissed me off mightily is Ipswich BC changing the brown bin compostable waste. They've made a MASSIVE THING about it still being free despite most other local councils introducing a charge yada yada we're a Labour council and aren't we fantastic yada yada - but they've changed systems in order to do it and the new list of what *can't* go in is ridiculous.
No food waste at all including peelings and tea bags, no shredded paper, no sawdust, animal bedding, hay.

Only grass cuttings, leaves and small twigs.
Jun 2019
2:16pm, 20 Jun 2019
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We finally have a compost bin. But still use the green bin for large amounts of greenery and grass cuttings (we have a massive garden!) Hopefully we'll get to the point where we don't need it at all though.

Our council are charging £35 a year for a green bin, they have always been just for garden waste, but I've been shoving peelings and teabags in for years and never been pulled up on it. The charging started about 3 years ago, I did write to the Council to express my displeasure seeing as I live down a country road with no pavements, lights or anything else the Council Tax should pay for. Getting my bins emptied is the only service I get for £1300 a year. Grumble grumble.
Jun 2019
4:04pm, 20 Jun 2019
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Ouch, that's rather steep cackleberry.
Jun 2019
5:37pm, 20 Jun 2019
244 posts
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I can’t understand why recycling is done on a local authority basis (yes when it was just collect a dustbin and drop it in landfill it did make some kind of sense but not now), it should be a national scheme, very clear in what can or cannot be collected. In Leeds we have a big green bin for paper, aluminium, plastics 1,2,4, glass goes to the bottle banks. Harrogate is just up the road and they seem to have lots of different coloured buckets including glass. Going on holiday is a nightmare. Why can’t it be nationalised and managed by a not for profit social enterprise?
Jun 2019
7:25pm, 20 Jun 2019
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run free
...cos we're a Tory govt.....
Jun 2019
10:03pm, 20 Jun 2019
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Red Squirrel
I'm pleased to say that I'm now plastic-free with the exception of screw tops that you get on the big coconut water cartons. Those are the only things in my inside bin now. I might as well get rid of the bin and just get a jar to put those in!

I don't put my black bin out now as there's nothing in it, but the bin collectors were going into my front bit (not really possible to call it a garden) and dragging it out; only to find it empty.

About This Thread

Maintained by run free
Information about Plastic Packaging:


What products have microbeads?

To help you reduce try one level at a time:

What the EU is doing:

- currently the UK will be following SOME of the EU measures.

Terms used to describe plastic:
1. Biodegradable (also oxi-biodegradable)
2. Bioplastic
3. Compostable
4. Plastic that potentially could be recycled (has numbers)
5. Plastic that cannot be recycled

Some resources:
BBC's info on the numbers on Plastics:

The misconceptions of biodegradable plastics from an academic:

Understanding plastic terms:

Bioplastic developments as seen by British Plastic

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  • environment
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