Jan 2010
3:22pm, 11 Jan 2010
6,904 posts
That's not so good Grid
Did you get a decent mile time for all that pain ?
Jan 2010
3:29pm, 11 Jan 2010
1,020 posts
Fortunately, yes. I was aiming for 7:20 but managed 7:09 - pleased to knock 30 seconds off my PB, and get near my top WAVA performance.
I was doing pretty well in the 200m too, until it all went wrong. Maybe I'll leave sprinting to the spinters...
Jan 2010
4:27pm, 11 Jan 2010
16,801 posts
Hills of Death (HOD)
Oh the old hamstring in a fetch sprint caper speak to beejay and fetch they did it in same race last year. I do warn people abt such foolishness we are endurance athletes not mr bolt. Anyway still on here myself i've been on and off more times than katie price Knickers
Jan 2010
4:30pm, 11 Jan 2010
86 posts
Heh HOD .... what's wrong?
Sorry...am a bit lazy to read all the preceeding messages to find out.... but you seem down and seem to be all broken? What's up doc?
I am always breaking myself.... i have an army of people who put me back together again and then i go break myself... part of my routine now....
You ok?
Jan 2010
4:43pm, 11 Jan 2010
16,802 posts
Hills of Death (HOD)
Well long history going back see Blog from abt august. Basically 6 weeks out right calf got fitness up a bit then left calf went some school boy errors a bit of form issue and orthotics problems. Hopefully on route back now. Watch out watch out there's a HOD About
Jan 2010
4:45pm, 11 Jan 2010
87 posts
Right off to read blog.... back in a tick...
Jan 2010
4:54pm, 11 Jan 2010
88 posts
No idea how to access blog from August.... (is it obvious...? am i being a muppet?).....
Anyway, sounds rubbish.... err, the injury, not your blogs (phew got out of that hole!!)... what does your osteo say is the cause.... is it ankle induced or hip induced??? Something is out of kilter which i would put money on it not being your calfs at all... that's just where the pain / injury is coming to the surface (if you know what i mean)...??
Jan 2010
11:50am, 13 Jan 2010
4,678 posts
It appears, so the Doc tells me, that I have a subluxated rib. He was unable to "pop it back into place" therefore I am seeing a chiropractor on Friday. I'm looking forward to it but it's expensive!
Apr 2010
1:05am, 17 Apr 2010
2,402 posts
backs gone! right across bottom of back, and coccyx ! whole area is swollen already !
it happened a few months back after going for a facial.... laid on the massage table on your back for an hour, folloed by quite a strong neck shoulder massage, i reckon shes activated something... i didnt connect the two... but having had no pain whatsoever, to come back from facial today, run and be in agony, i reckon it has to be that... it cant be the running cos last time it happened i wasnt running at all! it niggled a bit when i left salon today but stopped and thought nothing of it!
can stand up if back is arched... cant straighten it!! shooting pains go up back from coccyx area, and also down right leg from the same area! going to phone the physio early tomorrow and hope for the best!!
Apr 2010
1:06am, 17 Apr 2010
2,403 posts
incredibly f****d off as had a nice little streak going and i have first run on 5th may!