Mar 2009
2:28pm, 4 Mar 2009
2,918 posts
congrats rb
Mar 2009
2:29pm, 4 Mar 2009
30,786 posts
thankyou i'm not coming back either;-)
Mar 2009
2:30pm, 4 Mar 2009
7,130 posts
Mrs BooBoo LaBoy
Good one RB!!!
Mar 2009
5:45pm, 4 Mar 2009
24 posts
I didnt know we had an injured step..I have been standing around all this time. I have a torn labrum in my hip which needs special surgery that isnt available on the NHS. That sentence has taken 8 months to pull together. I will sit here while I wait for the NHS to come up with a plan B, if thats ok.
Mar 2009
6:27pm, 4 Mar 2009
2,920 posts
sorry to hear that PFF, I've been here ages too, its nice to have some company. All my doc / physio says is; damage is done..... (ankle ligament broken) I would suggest cake but not running is not good for the figure.
Mar 2009
6:28pm, 4 Mar 2009
30,803 posts
Mar 2009
6:29pm, 4 Mar 2009
2,923 posts
Well of course, thats exactly what we need, well done and cheers rb
Apr 2009
4:06pm, 15 Apr 2009
27 posts
Still here....Although the NHS have decided to go back to Plan A - what a waste of 5 months! Anyone else here?? I am enjoying my cycling though whilst I cant run.
Apr 2009
9:13pm, 15 Apr 2009
3,097 posts
I'm still here but actually feeling that i may eventually go as i have been able to walk for 2 miles twice this week without any pain. hope plan A helps for you
Apr 2009
8:36am, 23 Apr 2009
90 posts
I'll take a seat. Middle of 7 miler yesterday, right calf started tightening up, tried to run it off but started getting sore. Had to hobble/jog the last 3 miles. Limping badly yesterday and was quite sore. Applied ice last night and am wearing a comfortgrip today. Still hobbling, feels a bit tight, but a lot better than when I went to bed last night. going to be sensible and take a few days off running, might try the mountain bike instead at the weekend.
Injuries are really annoying.