Sep 2021
4:28pm, 15 Sep 2021
2,337 posts
Liz Truss though.
Sep 2021
4:29pm, 15 Sep 2021
18,403 posts
Nadine Dorries to culture they're saying. OH f**k
Sep 2021
4:30pm, 15 Sep 2021
39,698 posts
Testing is bliddy impressively joined up Sctland and UK NHS - get info on, book a PCR on and attend 20 mins later in Scotland location. Result likely to be received by email in 12-24hrs.
It really is deckchairs on the Titanic in Westminster, isn't it?! G
Sep 2021
4:31pm, 15 Sep 2021
10,688 posts
Yeah liz truss as FS, *weeps*
Sep 2021
4:44pm, 15 Sep 2021
2,338 posts
Micheal Gove appointed Minister of Sound
Nicked that one from Twitter.
Sep 2021
4:48pm, 15 Sep 2021
7,344 posts
We've dodged a bullet with Dorries going to DCMS but in what parallel universe is she anywhere near government, let alone Cabinet?!
The guerilla cheese marketing war continues with Truss in FCO...
Sep 2021
4:54pm, 15 Sep 2021
3,454 posts
What cv’s would people like for different cabinet positions?
Sep 2021
4:59pm, 15 Sep 2021
1,862 posts
Did I see someone say that this reshuffle is like 'someone moving turds around a sewage farm' - or did I dream that..?
Sep 2021
5:04pm, 15 Sep 2021
18,404 posts
Despite the anti-Gove outpourings here (and I don't like him), I'd still have him in a "proper role" - he was solid at DEFRA. I'd have Hunt back (shudders). The more technocratty Tories. A conservative party that could still make room for likes of Grieve, Clarke, Gauke, Lidington, Stewart (his voting record was dreadful though), would be my ideal, but that boat has sailed.
There really is an absence of talent, I mean the Home secretary was sacked for secret meetings with the Israelis, Braverman advocated openly breaking the law, Dorries is one step from QAnon. I personally knew one of the junior ministers (worked with her) and know of her total unsuitability for any kind of political role. I mean in American you now have Josh Cawley, Marjorie Taylor Greene, Lauren Boebert - people who openly believe crazy conspiracy QAnon theories. We're not *that* far from them.
Sep 2021
5:23pm, 15 Sep 2021
25,579 posts
Johnny Blaze
"We need the strongest men of the party in the Cabinet. We needed to hold our own people together. I had looked the party over and concluded that these were the very strongest men. Then I had no right to deprive the country of their services."
Abraham Lincoln
Johnson is quite happy to keep the best of his party out of the Cabinet. Because he is lazy, insecure, narcissistic and weak.