
13 lurkers | 214 watchers
Nov 2020
7:36pm, 18 Nov 2020
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What are you suggesting about that French gynaecologist, Mmm :-o ?

The other day, whilst having a (neat) brandy, I did ponder: what if the crazy Belarus dude was right about the vodka? (Or other spirits.)
Nov 2020
9:19pm, 18 Nov 2020
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Giuliani has admitted last night , the aim isn't to win the suits or recounts, just to delay so it ends up in the House.
Nov 2020
11:23pm, 18 Nov 2020
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Latest from the trump legal bullshitting

They want Pennsylvania to provide a sample of pa *postal* ballots with the cover envelopes (which is impossible as the votes are separated from the cover envelopes after the signature has been verified) and they will then conduct their own private audit and statistical analysis and then *tell the court* whether or not the results should be invalidated.

No court in their right mind would agree to that!

Obviously this came from the sharp legal mind of a former mayor of New York.

After he looked upon the meaning of certain technical legal terms, and the meaning of the word opacity in the dictionary...
Nov 2020
11:52pm, 18 Nov 2020
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Hahaha. Full legal MAGA in the guiliani written brief asking judge not to dismiss the case


"under the cover of darkness in an illegal scheme to favor Joseph Biden over President Donald J. Trump."
Nov 2020
9:52am, 19 Nov 2020
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Trouble is fozzy, the MAGA team are lapping it up, they think Giuliani's a genius.

And also to add more to why are some of the polls so wrong (in Florida), it's because at a small local level, demographics can't easily be boiled down to Florida Latino men backed Trump, it's complicated, it changes from district to district, demographics are a broad brush that complete wash out any nuance, here's a US House candidate's excellent thread on it:

Nov 2020
9:56am, 19 Nov 2020
16,932 posts
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Also judge has cancelled the evidentiary hearing from Giuliani and co today... because a) its not a fruad case and b) there's no evidence. That's probably why Giuliani's written the pleading letter...
Nov 2020
1:07pm, 19 Nov 2020
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Yeah, I saw that twitter thread last night and the updates on the Guliani case. I have to say, other than the cited cases, it reads like something that I could have written as a parody.

It sounds like that case is going to be thrown out, on the grounds it's *not* a federal case anyway (only reason they've gone to federal court is that they've exhausted the PA system and got nowhere) and until they can somehow get a dissenting court they can't have their desired moment in the SCOTUS sun.

MAGA nuts can lap it all up all they want. They're going to lose. At the ballot box and in the courts.

The more damaging issue is the lack of "mainstream" repubs (e.g. McConnell) pressuring Trump to start the transition briefings etc.
Nov 2020
1:40pm, 19 Nov 2020
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Are we now more divided than ever?

Covid Responses
Trump/Anyone that isn't Trump

Has it always been this way? I'm only young born 84. Thatcher's Britain was pretty divided wasn't it?
Nov 2020
1:45pm, 19 Nov 2020
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Johnny Blaze
We were very divided in the Thatcher years. I think that division was largely expressed as "organised labour vs monetarist. laissez-faire capitalsm" but I think Brexit and Trump have unleashed a nationalist tide which is quite different to anything I have personally ever experienced before. Add in social media and the flagrant disregard for truth and evidence that many people now have and we are in an awful fix.
Nov 2020
1:46pm, 19 Nov 2020
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Johnny Blaze
Chrisull will be along shortly to confirm what it was really about!

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Maintained by Chrisull
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