
214 watchers
Sep 2019
7:52am, 13 Sep 2019
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I think that's probably it Banjo. I'm just surprised that they even have jurisdiction over a UK wide matter. When a contract is signed in England with an English company (and I get that the example I'm giving is contract law, not civil or criminal) then you state that it is governed by English law. I just thought something that is done in London (UK parliament) would not be covered by Scottish law. But I admit I have no understanding of the relationship of Scottish law and its applicability in England.

And yes ptb, I'm both painfully and proudly aware of the independence and different of Scottish law from English law. You have to be aware of it as a Scot living in Scotland but part of the UK and dealing with English people and firms all the time! :-) G
Sep 2019
8:38am, 13 Sep 2019
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Public law (the law which oversees adminstrative affairs in the country, broadly) is a complex beast! I must admit I want aware that there could arise a situation where something was unlawful under Scots public law but not in English public law, yet would be required to be enforced in England, but I suppose on a lowest common denominator basis that makes sense. Just shows how complex the UK Constitution is, rightly or wrongly.

As others have said though this is very different from criminal or private law where such inconsistencies arise all the time and are dealt with by a relatively clear set of standard rules and approaches. Conflicts of private law is a fascinating area to study.
Sep 2019
9:31am, 13 Sep 2019
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"enforced in England" should really read "enforced across the UK as a whole".
Sep 2019
9:38am, 13 Sep 2019
15,204 posts
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It's only interesting if you like detail, if you are a Brexiteer it's zzzzzzz. TLTR.
Sep 2019
10:01am, 13 Sep 2019
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Now now, not all of the Brexiteers are that daft. I'm sure plenty remainers don't care about the detail, they just want the "win" too.
Sep 2019
10:29am, 13 Sep 2019
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I'm sure that's the case, larkim. But at least remainers know what it is they are trying to 'win'.
Sep 2019
10:32am, 13 Sep 2019
15,205 posts
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Details is important and fascinating. It's the glue of the world.
Sep 2019
10:56am, 13 Sep 2019
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It is also where the Devil lurks...
Sep 2019
2:17pm, 13 Sep 2019
9,124 posts
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I think BJ might, once again, be finding out that his election strategy is bollocks.

People in Rotherham and Doncaster telling him to go away.

They aren't going to vote Tory at a GE
Sep 2019
3:33pm, 13 Sep 2019
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The dream is that the Labour Leavers in the north switch en-masses to Boris. However they are more partisan, and more resistant to it than it seems. They tell pollsters they plan to vote Boris, but when it comes down to it, it's like backing City as a United fan. So they choose either not to vote, or vote Labour. Better vote for the devil you know but are pissed off with, than to have the embarrassment of voting Tory.

Of course Tories and Brexiteers have never got their head around this :-).

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