Mar 2014
7:11am, 7 Mar 2014
2,941 posts
Canute - I really like your estimation of effort. I use a very similar feel for Easy pace and I think Tempo too. I will follow your experiment with much interest, it sounds eminently do-able
Mar 2014
7:28am, 7 Mar 2014
840 posts
Just to throw into the mix, and in response to V'Rap's comment.
Five day's after a marathon today's stats are below:
6 miles in 56 minutes at an average of 9:18 minutes/mile
64 %WHR and 72.2% MaxHR, average 130bpm and 1,209 beats per mile
1) 1m - 9:31(9:31/m) 124/141bpm
2) 1m - 9:21(9:21/m) 130/135bpm
3) 1m - 9:23(9:23/m) 130/134bpm
4) 1m - 9:17(9:17/m) 133/137bpm
5) 1m - 9:19(9:19/m) 134/140bpm
6) 1m - 8:57(8:57/m) 133/139bpm
Mar 2014
7:41am, 7 Mar 2014
13,988 posts
Are the percentages based on time or distance? (I'm assuming time?)
Mar 2014
8:17am, 7 Mar 2014
5,150 posts
I thought I heard the bloke who was on DID say that it's only ever a predisposition towards quickly developing certain muscle type, rather than an "I can't because of my genes"? Mind you, I was more interested in his next record choice...
Mar 2014
10:49am, 7 Mar 2014
876 posts
Meglet, As you assume, the percentages are based on time
Mar 2014
10:53am, 7 Mar 2014
6,369 posts
Wriggling Snake
time, this is quite interesting, I shall check, as plateau sums up my recent races.
Mar 2014
10:56am, 7 Mar 2014
6,370 posts
Wriggling Snake
hmm not far off, less intervals, more tempo
Mar 2014
12:44pm, 9 Mar 2014
877 posts
First week of polarized training: total training time: 425 min
My main goal was increasing total volume. The delightful spring weather tempted me to do a little more easy running than I had intended.
Easy: 380 min (run: 50Km at 6:22 min/Km, 755 heart beats/Km; long run 15Km; elliptical: 76 min) Tempo: 30 min (elliptical, 150 watts, plateau HR 91% of HRmax)
High intensity: 15 min (elliptical 5x3 min at 90% max effort; peak HR 93%, still rising) Ratio: easy/tempo/high intensity = 89.5/7.0/3.5
As the high intensity session was the first this year, I decided to do only 15 minutes. This was quite demanding but satisfying. Because I have been troubled by arthritis recently, I will continue to do the intensity high sessions on the elliptical for the near future.
Overall I increased volume a little more than was wise this week, but do not appear to have suffered any ill effects – apart from a mild exacerbation of a long-standing ache in my proximal tib-fib joint, and wide-spread stiffness of most of the I ligaments in my legs which is I fear an inevitable consequence of being elderly. Nonetheless, I aim for a somewhat smaller total volume next week, despite the forecast for further spring weather.
Mar 2014
12:59pm, 9 Mar 2014
867 posts
Training time: just less than 370 minutes.
Majority easy 75% with 25% approaching tempo.
Was meant to be a cutback week but recovered quicker than expected from last Sunday's marathon.
THIS COMING WEEK WILL BE A CUTBACK WEEK - as having a business trip and not taking running kit.
Mar 2014
1:42pm, 9 Mar 2014
14,484 posts
Red Squirrel
I think I will start this next week. I'm an off-road runner, so I sometimes have to climb over stiles or get bogged-down in mud. However, if spring really is in the air, it'll get a bit drier and I not have to slow down so often.