Jan 2022
10:25am, 25 Jan 2022
41,158 posts
Ice and elevation Rh? Seriously, can send you the full log of activities. I seemed to have done a lot of swimming and a bit of biking at the time! G
Jan 2022
11:35am, 25 Jan 2022
23,849 posts
Elevation too - I iced on Sunday, but there’s no swelling or heat so I haven’t done so since. Can’t swim as I’m mainly a breaststroker - my dodgy shoulder doesn’t allow crawl, which is really annoying as swimming is my first love and I miss it.
Will give the elliptical a gentle go later.
Feb 2022
11:46am, 22 Feb 2022
2,394 posts
Shift along the bench to make room for another grumpy old sod ..
My right knee started complaining in Dec 2020. The physio diagnosed it had been moving inwards due to lack of muscle strength in my quads and glutes and general lack of flexibility in my hips/lower back. Spent most of 2021 trying to keep motivated enough to get into a routine of regular stretching & strengthening exercises as per the physio's advice. I'd been managing that towards the end of 2021 and had been going out for regular fast (sub-16mm pace) walks early mornings for a few months.
In Dec 2021 I had begun throwing short running sections (well, slow jogging if I'm honest) into the mix. I was doing the same since the start of 2022 but on Thu 11th Feb I stupidly (very stupidly!) got carried away and ran for the best part of 1.5mls. I noticed a soreness on the underside of my left foot while playing golf the following day. That pain and soreness got worse and the whole left foot and ankle swelled up over the weekend.
I've been back to the physio a couple of times since then. She diagnosed some damage to my fascia and I've had some strapping on the left foot plus plenty of sitting around with an ice pack and with my leg elevated. The left foot is still not right and there's still some slight swelling but I'm finally able to start putting weight on my foot now and even (gasp!) walk short distances without limping. Being able to put some trainers on was an improvement - for days I've not been able to get anything on my foot.
I'm still not able to consider fast walking again, let alone running. And part of me is resigned to the fact as an overweight, almost 70yr old, maybe my running days are over. I'd like to fight the advancing years and 'prove' I can still run. But part of me is resigned to waving bye-bye to any thoughts of running and I should probably concentrate on fast waking, using the exercise bike more often and going swimming more regularly - to get the aerobic effect without the pain.
Feb 2022
11:51am, 22 Feb 2022
41,568 posts
Sorry to hear that Mel.
But... and bear with here!... I often think a *new* injury/pain is a good thing! If the old one isn't what's bothering you then it's not chronic. It's moved on. And the new one is... well... new! So... just one new problem, with a cause you know (building up your run volume too quickly).
Ice, rest (elevate!) the foot/ankle. Get it properly better. Build walk/run more gradually and ta da...?!
Fingers crossed for you. (Smugly, my calf, Achilles and knee are all behaving at the mo. Probably the kiss of death saying that!) G
Feb 2022
2:30pm, 22 Feb 2022
54,462 posts
I'm not a doctor but has a stress fracture been ruled out?
Feb 2022
4:19pm, 22 Feb 2022
2,395 posts
HappyG(rrr) - I'm trying to stay positive but this latest injury, which has meant almost two weeks of sitting on my a**e is trying my patience. I'm loath to start running again once I am able to start my fast walking.
alpenrose - my physio had wondered if there was a stress fracture. But yesterday she gave me some ultrasound treatment and said, if there was a stress fracture, I would soon know it as the pain would start. Happily, there was no pain so it just seems to be soft tissue damage.
Apr 2022
10:19am, 21 Apr 2022
246 posts
How're folks doing? Contemplating getting more cushions for the injury bench as it looks like I'll be here forever. Currently struggling with really short walks (desk to kitchen hurts like a bastard). Loving my arthritic hip. Figure it might be time for to try out a different physio (its about 6 months since my last appointment).
Apr 2022
12:20pm, 25 Apr 2022
2,405 posts
Me? I've given up running My foot injury (swelling/soreness) took 6 weeks to settle and even now it's still not right. So I've given up running and will be sticking to walking, swimming and the exercise bike now.
I was only nominally a member of my running club because I mistakenly paid my renewal subscription in 2021 but never did manage to get running again. Not that anyone at the club actually noticed my lack of running on strava (let alone give a ****). I had around 12 clubmates I had buddied up with from the Thu group I used to run with - but none of them bothered to get in touch and no-one from the club did either. So I won't be renewing when renewal comes up this year.
Apr 2022
4:58pm, 25 Apr 2022
247 posts
How frustrating! I still dream of being able to run again - but walking and some swimming seems a lot more sensible for me for now..... Fortunately didn't have much of a running network of friends.
Apr 2022
5:10pm, 25 Apr 2022
725 posts
I'm slowly easing back in using run-walk, would that work for you GetOutTheDoor?