Mar 2013
7:19pm, 2 Mar 2013
101 posts
......anyway , up to 20 mile as of last week when I managed to finish the Tapley 20 in a surprising hilly rural Suffolk . going to do another 20 next Sat then its TAPER TIME
Mar 2013
7:23pm, 2 Mar 2013
345 posts
10 mile race (not at 'race pace') for me this weekend, then (hopefully) 23 the following week. Then I'll join you for taper time!
Mar 2013
8:12pm, 2 Mar 2013
359 posts
Been struggling a bit with a cold, a ski trip and a dose of CBA put scheduled to do 20 miles tomorrow. a bit early for tapering, I reckon I'll do 20 miles every Sunday until 24/3 then taper down for two weeks.
Mar 2013
6:12am, 7 Mar 2013
103 posts
Its never too early for Taper Time
Mar 2013
7:55am, 7 Mar 2013
527 posts
Had a really weird conversation with my new Dr's surgery about my medical note yesterday. Now I have the Fear that I'm not going to get the note and won't be able to run I rang them up to confirm that I'd been registered ok and was now a patient (I submitted the paperwork last week as I moved to a new town recently) and confirmed that, then I explained that in order to take part in the Paris Marathon I needed to have a letter signed by a Doctor stating that they know no reason why I can't compete. The receptionist then went off on one saying how on earth would any of our Doctors know if I was fit to run a marathon or not, and that I should really be going to my old surgery for this. I was a bit taken aback by this and said surely that any one of the GPs at this surgery would be qualified to asses whether I was fit for the marathon or not and could I not make an appointment to ascertain this? Especially as my previous surgery would not be particularly interested in offering this to someone who was no longer a patient... She then made me an appointment and finished the conversation with 'You do realise that we charge an exorbitant amount for this service and it's going to cost you a lot of money, right?' Still can't figure out whether this was an exceptionally difficult, thick receptionist or whether I'm making a totally unreasonable request from them
Mar 2013
8:19am, 7 Mar 2013
10,267 posts
RWR the receptionist was being unreasonable. I have heard that certain fetch doctors will sign the form for a donation to charity, if you are having problems. I am still waiting on my form back from the doctors.
Mar 2013
8:51am, 7 Mar 2013
528 posts
I guess they are highly trained to disuade people from making appointments at all costs, but it was a bit of a strange response. As far as I can see, the cost listed by the Medical Group's website for a Dr's signature on a form is £20, that doesn't seem exorbitant to me so I hope it's not more. I knew that some Fetch Docs do this but I'm sure they must get bombarded with requests. I don't know any of them so unless I find myself truly up shit creek I'll be doing my best to sort it out myself. My appointment is next Friday so there's still time after that if there's a crises :/
Mar 2013
9:12am, 7 Mar 2013
1,449 posts
Sounds like the receptionist was just a bit of a tool. Hopefully you'll be ok! And at least there's still time to sort something out, you're not trying to do it last minute
Mar 2013
7:45pm, 10 Mar 2013
106 posts
21 done today in the snow and mud ........its Taper time now
Mar 2013
8:45pm, 10 Mar 2013
1,454 posts
Well done Dick! My long run this weekend was a bit of a fail, but I plan for 20+ next weekend, then I am looking forward to taper time