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Overnight Knee Pain Flare Up

1 watcher
May 2013
3:24pm, 23 May 2013
789 posts
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Hi, I hope someone could possibly shed some light on what my right knee is doing. :-(

I went for a run last night with my club and had no issue what so ever, I was a little tired from the weekends race so took it a little steady during the interval session.

Anyway, I came home, had a bath and went to bed with no issues., it was only this morning that I noticed something wasn't right, My right knee is giving me all kinds of grief :-(

The pain is at the front of the knee around the patlela and hurts that much that I abandoned todays run after only a few yards. The pain comes when I walk, run or simply flex my knee backwards and forward.

Very odd as I absolutely no issues with it before this morning, no visible swelling and it doesn't hurt to touch.

Any recommendations/ideas?

Thanks fetch folk. :-)

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Maintained by Pedro_Perez
Hi, I hope someone could possibly shed some light on what my right knee is doing. :-(

I went for...
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