May 2012
3:13pm, 18 May 2012
3,166 posts
she ran for cake
Dearest Fetchies. I will admit to having retired from running and became one who ran for cake. I stopped running thanks to achilles tendonitis and then lack of mojo and am now not exactly a mover and shaker. I've started to hideous pain in my right hip when I kneel and do a bit gardening, which is something I have only recently taken up.
Does anyone know what this could be and what I need to do?
Thank you, lovelies.
May 2012
5:51pm, 18 May 2012
3,167 posts
she ran for cake
Boing Symptom update: It's still a bit sore now.
May 2012
6:19pm, 18 May 2012
558 posts
ITB problem? Hip bursitis? I'm no medic, but that's what the pain in my hips were due to. Hope you get it sorted, it was bloomin painful when I had it.
May 2012
8:38pm, 18 May 2012
3,168 posts
she ran for cake
Thanks lazydaisy - my anatomy knowledge isn't great. Was the bursitis with you all the time or flared up when you moved a certain way? Am off to google both suggestions now.
May 2012
10:05pm, 18 May 2012
560 posts
It was niggling away all the time, but was really really painful if I lay on that side in bed, and when I ran It took about 6 physio sessions to sort it out ( does myofascial release sound right?) and now I stretch and foam roller it regularly. It isn't completely gone, but about 98% which is good enough for me!