Leg Pain :(

1 watcher
Mar 2014
3:42pm, 19 Mar 2014
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If I may be so bold, as I was once in your position and now have dealings with a fair number of beginners.

Most people when starting off running, even walk-running, start off way to fast, without realising it. they are also scared of running on anything that isn't tarmac.

If you're starting back, find a gentle off-road surface, which will slow you down and be easier on the legs. And keep the pace down to something really gentle.
Mar 2014
3:51pm, 19 Mar 2014
13 posts
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Thanks DeeGee :) I know that previously I was running on just concrete and was probably going too fast - I'm physically fairly fit so it didn't feel hard, although I certainly paid for it!

I'm now just running on soft grass surface and am trying to go at a real plod, until my legs acclimatise.

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I'd really appreciate some advice please. I've only just started running (I'm doing the couch to ...

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