Aug 2023
7:37am, 31 Aug 2023
First-time poster!!
Hi all - this is my first post - be gentle!
I've been running since the start of this year (consistently). This year I've ran 21 park runs, 2 10ks and a total of 424km - I'm pleased to say that this has become a habit i enjoy.
I'm 43 and played regular football until I was in my late 30's, but still have a kickabout once a week.
I'd like to know if there's any other runners out there that have had issues with muscle aches. Even though I've ran fairly consistently i still struggle to complete a parkrun without stopping!. After completing the Lincoln 10k this year (with a few stops!) 1H 2S, my legs were achy for a couple of weeks!
My best PR time is 27.05 (without stopping), but reckon I only complete 1 in 5 without a rest.
RICE helps and I have a monthly sports massage too, as well as specific stretches - will this improve with time? Has anyone else had a similar experience?
Any advice greaty appreciated!
Aug 2023
7:44am, 31 Aug 2023
4,526 posts
Hello - great to hear that you’ve found a new habit and welcome to fetch 😀😀😀
I’ve been finding some gentle yoga and in specific hip openers and stretches for hamstrings etc really good to keep my legs moving and working every day. This will help the strength build up too and keep your joints juicy!
Are you running flat out at PR every time?
Aug 2023
7:45am, 31 Aug 2023
23,927 posts
Dave A
Make sure most of your runs are done at an easy pace, with the occasional harder run. Consider a strength training plan for your legs or even a physio to see if they can diagnose any underlying issues.
Aug 2023
7:50am, 31 Aug 2023
23,928 posts
Dave A
Just had a quick look at what you’ve logged on your training. From what I can see you do a fast first Mike then slow down by a good 2 minutes after. Aim for consistency in pacing throughput.
Aug 2023
8:00am, 31 Aug 2023
12 posts
Welcome to the world of running. Just to check, you're running about 12k a week, by what you've posted? (Forgive me if my maths is wrong.)
If this is the case, and one of your weekly runs is a 5k parkrun, it may be that your muscles aren't getting "acclimatised" to running. You may need to run a bit more before your muscles start forgiving you!
But as phal said, yoga may help and daily stretching is a good habit. At my age i stretch every day, and warm up before any parkrun/race.
Good luck.
Aug 2023
1:25pm, 31 Aug 2023
2 posts
Thank you all for the advice... I think you have confirmed some of my theories. I can complete a 5k at a slower pace without a stop at around 30mins, so I will try and pace a bit slower lap 1 and try and become more consistent each lap, and then look for gradual speed improvements. The hip stretches definitely help too, so will look to do more. I've also started swimming so that might help too. I'll get there! Thank-you for the support.