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Hamstring injury

1 watcher
Apr 2012
12:20pm, 8 Apr 2012
130 posts
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I pulled/tore my left hamstring a couple of weeks ago, stupidly slipping on a mat rather than in training. At first I was getting shooting pains down my leg from the bum especially when sat down. This has now subsided and day to day pain is more or less non existent, I have done some gym clases and tried a run yesteray which was ok but I knew the feeling was still there. However, in a gym class today, faster paced jerking setting off running and stopping quickly caused a major sharp pain and I had to back off. So, off this info how long do you reckon for a full repair now I am at this stage? There is a potential 10K race on the 22nd but not going to bother entering if its doubtful. I am already committed to Manchester 10K in May with a charity place so gonna have to do that one come what may.
Apr 2012
11:38pm, 8 Apr 2012
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22nd of April? No way!

There are plenty of races - focus on getting better first. If I were you I would book some sessions with a sports physio to get it assessed and advise on May.

They will probably give you some cross friction massage to slow down the heaing process stopping scar tissue forming. Be warned - cross friction massage really hurts.

No running doesn't mean no training though, take the injury time to focus on areas of weakness you may be able to improve on. Core, diet, etc

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Maintained by buzby123
I pulled/tore my left hamstring a couple of weeks ago, stupidly slipping on a mat rather than in tra...
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