Apr 2017
12:30pm, 10 Apr 2017
First-time poster!!
Just ready to return to running after double hip-replacement surgery, wondered if anybody out there has been in the same position and had any tips for me, just started walking & jog/shuffling without any problems, touch wood!
Apr 2017
3:04pm, 10 Apr 2017
248 posts
Glad you are doing well post op it sounds like you are doing great How long ago was your surgery ? I would advise waiting at least six weeks just thinking about letting everything settle down and double check with your consultant they are happy first, do you have a post op check or have you already had it ?
Apr 2017
5:13am, 11 Apr 2017
2 posts
Had left one done in Aug 2015 and the right in Aug 2016, I had a check-up a couple of weeks ago and the specialist said I could start doing some form of exercise (including running) but to take it steady!
Apr 2017
11:31am, 11 Apr 2017
14,955 posts
Ooh hello! Another hippy! I had my left hip replaced at the end of October last year and I started jogging again on Christmas Day. I got the go ahead from my surgeon (also a runner) and I'm now running three times a week, including parkrun on a Saturday. Took about 5 months to feel 'normal' but now hardly notice my hip at all.
I started back with a C25k programme but abandoned it after a few weeks as I seemed to be going OK and found it a bit boring!
I've blogged extensively about my return to running so if you want to er... read all about it.. have a look. You can click on my profile and then blogs and that'll take you to the right place.
I think as long as you don't do too much too soon it's perfectly possible to get back to running. Perhaps not as fast and/or far as before but certainly enough to satisfy! Lots of luck and fmail me if you have any questions or want to chat more.
Apr 2017
5:04pm, 18 Apr 2017
8,146 posts
Only just spotted this, ColinNbl.
I had a hip resurfacing done in 2003 and took up running about four months after the op. That was mainly because I hadn't been running since school running and in the 18 months prior to the op I'd been suffering from pain because of joint disintegration. There'd been a 3 cm difference in leg length and I had reduced mobility. I've run loads of races since, including 40 half marathons.
Hope your physio and rehabilitation is going well.