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Is th an ITB problem?

3 watchers
Nov 2015
12:33pm, 5 Nov 2015
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Fragile Do Not Bend
I know ITB problems are typically at the knee end of it but I'm wondering if the problem I've been having with my hip could be something to do with the top end of my ITB?

Just to clarify, that's 'hip' as in the side of my pelvis, not 'hip' as in the joint at the top of my leg. It's been difficult to pinpoint exactly where the pain is, but I can feel it the most if I stand and push my hips out towards the affected side, it feels like it is pulling and painful across the outside of my pelvis.

I can also feel it going up or down stairs but not exactly in the same place, feels more internal.

Sorry for the rather ropey description, being hard to describe it's also hard to google it, so I'm hoping this rings a bell with someone!
Nov 2015
12:49pm, 5 Nov 2015
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SODIron © 2002
Nov 2015
12:54pm, 5 Nov 2015
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Good link SODIron - as the link says ITB is pain on the specific side of the knee and while there might be associated hip/thigh pain, true ITB should be in this very particular place.

I will say the hip flexors are definitely linked to knee and ITB problems though, and I note that some treatment regimes for ITB include strengthening hip flexors, although I also note that exercises that target hip flexors solely are quite difficult to find! But diagnosis of the problem is more important first and it doesn't sound like ITB.
Nov 2015
7:17pm, 5 Nov 2015
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Ninky Nonk
Sounds like a Tensor Fasciae Latae issue to me.
Nov 2015
7:21pm, 5 Nov 2015
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Ninky Nonk
But then I'd be wary of an unqualified diagnosis by a complete stranger on the Internet. ..
Nov 2015
8:14pm, 5 Nov 2015
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Fragile Do Not Bend
Thanks for the link SODIron, I'll keep looking and I'll check out the thing you said Ninky!
Nov 2015
4:57pm, 6 Nov 2015
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FWIW, I had ITB probs for years. In the end I found a superb Physio and I decided to be a compliant patient for longer than 2 weeks. My Physio told me that ITB issues are usually related to the biomechanics of running. For me, I had to learn to run again. I did lots of glute strengthening exercises and addressed my alignment when running. Things improved but plateaued. She suggested yoga for runners, on the basis that I probably had sciatica (I just do one on YouTube) and this made all the difference. I still do my glute stuff before some runs and need to do yoga every now and then.
For me this was the solution.

Good luck.

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Maintained by Fragile Do Not Bend
I know ITB problems are typically at the knee end of it but I'm wondering if the problem I've been...
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