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Pain in knees when going upstairs

1 watcher
Mar 2013
10:14am, 18 Mar 2013
194 posts
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I've recently started to do a bit of running again after a long lay off.

I've so far had no hints of an injury while running or afterwards except for one thing. When I go upstairs I have a pain at the top of both kneecaps. I don't notice this pain at any other time: not walking/running on the level or even when walking downstairs.

Does anyone know what this might be as I don't want it to develop into anything nastier?
Mar 2013
12:37pm, 21 Mar 2013
First-time poster!!
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It sounds like it could be your ITB, depending on where you mean by top of your kneecap. Double check with your doctor though and ensure you cool down and stretch after each run. Maybe even do some Yoga once a week.

I've had something very similar and it was my ITB, though I did get it confirmed by a trip to the doc.
Mar 2013
12:52pm, 21 Mar 2013
2,059 posts
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And thus the problem of internet diagnosis. Im suffering a second bout of ITBS at the moment and that pain is (I believe) usually sited to the outside of the knee not the top and also more commonly associated with going downstairs rather than up. anaerobic.net

Try and see a physio/doc asap and in the meantime, take it easy just in case. Icing the painful bit probably wouldn't hurt either

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Maintained by sanddancer
I've recently started to do a bit of running again after a long lay off.

I've so far had no hi...
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