Knee pain

1 watcher
Sep 2014
12:00pm, 18 Sep 2014
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Aimless Alliterations
Periodically during the summer I've had twinges of pain in my left knee. It comes and goes but I went for a run last night and it was giving me some pain from time to time, usually when I raised my knee a little more than usual to take in an obstacle like a kerb or step. The pain is in the left knee and seems to be confined to the lower part of the joint on the inside of the leg. It's still a little dodgy today and I've found walking down stairs to be a bit uncomfortable.

I've spent a lot of time sitting down while travelling in the past few days from the UK to Germany and then Spain (where I am at the moment) before returning to the UK this evening. So I think that may have some thing to do with the problem.

Trouble is I'm running the Bristol Half Marathon on Sunday. Should I get myself one of those knee support bandages at this late stage? I've never worn one and I'm worried about using something new on the day. Or should I just go for a light run on Friday or Saturday and see how I get on?
Sep 2014
10:17am, 20 Sep 2014
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Lip Gloss
I can't offer much help but I have knee pain every few months which can last a few days and I do wear a knee support on my runs then and feel they help. I'm also doing Bristol tomorrow and have packed mine with me and am still deciding if to wear it. What I can say is a mile or so into the run I forget I'm wearing it.

Sorry not much help but good luck for tomorrow

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Maintained by Mountkeen
Periodically during the summer I've had twinges of pain in my left knee. It comes and goes but I we...

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