Jan 2014
2:21pm, 2 Jan 2014
29,308 posts
Hills of Death (HOD)
I don't know if your like me not that interested in medals like for 10ks Halfs even some marathons. Things like VLM yes and Disney Marathon, Foxy spinning medals the Grim Reaper all nice to keep but I've got a collection of 'tat' from stuff like Bushey Quarter Marathon, St Albans Runathon (ok I made that up) what is the point I'd much rather a mars bar, decent tee shirt or Stone Paperweight (Snowdon).
What does everyone else think ?
Jan 2014
2:22pm, 2 Jan 2014
6,162 posts
Ditch the t shirt too. i have too many.
Jan 2014
2:24pm, 2 Jan 2014
888 posts
I too like my big event medals, but I prefer a nice tshirt I can wear running (not like the crud you now get from VLM). Maybe rather than a medal they can offer free photos?
Jan 2014
2:25pm, 2 Jan 2014
29,309 posts
Hills of Death (HOD)
Yeah Binks has to be nice not Fruit of the loom shit
Jan 2014
2:25pm, 2 Jan 2014
29,310 posts
Hills of Death (HOD)
Yes Mandy that's great idea
Jan 2014
2:26pm, 2 Jan 2014
5,347 posts
I agree - or a mug - Penny Lane striders used to give you a mug, but they don't any more. Or something - anything - else.
I believe Birchwood 10k give you a towel instead - which sounds far better - but I DNS the year I entered because my husband wasn't well enough to mind the kids.
Jan 2014
2:28pm, 2 Jan 2014
29,311 posts
Hills of Death (HOD)
or hand job ?
Jan 2014
2:29pm, 2 Jan 2014
16,744 posts
Nick Cook
Jan 2014
3:02pm, 2 Jan 2014
190 posts
oi you
Excellent idea, for some anyway. I could be in and out of the finish funnel almost without breaking stride, but I'd probably go round again.
Jan 2014
3:22pm, 2 Jan 2014
8,675 posts
I like a medal. The Salisbury 10 was a cotton t- shirt and no medal I was disappointed cos I got a PB and wanted a medal.. Tho I agree some medals are cack ..