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1 lurker | 6 watchers
Aug 2012
11:40am, 14 Aug 2012
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Sounds to me like the change in pace has changed your running action a little.

I guess with you not having done a 5km the question should really be, when running 10.45 were you running pretty much as fast as you can ?

when would I run again? Tomorrow, just do a mile of minute on minute off efforts to see how it feels and if ok then do more on Friday

Aug 2012
11:40am, 14 Aug 2012
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Hiya!! Welcome
Aug 2012
11:42am, 14 Aug 2012
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Hills of Death (HOD)
Rule No 1 Nicki you listen to Gobi his word is law ;-) (oo no longer Ultra Gobi)
Aug 2012
11:43am, 14 Aug 2012
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Keefy Beefy
I'd just test the calf on a run and see what happens. You could do an see physio or sports masseur (though you might have ignore their negative messages, too, depending on who you get ;o)

It doesn't sound like you're pushing it too hard, though it's hard for us to know what 10:45 feels like to you. Either way, the calf issue could be nothing to do with a change in pace and just a started-running growing pain. There's no guarantee it wouldn't have happened if you hadn't slowed down.

What sort of runs are doing? There's an argument that if you're knew to it that you can get away with just doing easy runs. I don't know what your schedule has in it.
Aug 2012
11:45am, 14 Aug 2012
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retired HoD :¬)

Dear Lord forgive me

It has been 7 months since my last ultra..........

Aug 2012
11:46am, 14 Aug 2012
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Hills of Death (HOD)
Wouldn't know I haven't done one (yet) way things are going I never will :-(
Aug 2012
11:47am, 14 Aug 2012
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Gobi - when at the 10:45 pace I could have gone faster but not for any prolonged length of time. Its hard to describe the speed - it just felt like the right speed, and whenever I tried to slow down (because all the advice I've seen/read about starting running) is to go sloooow, it ended up that my pace would be faster! So in answer to your question - no it wasn't as fast as I could go.... but it was as fast as I could go and maintain the run for the amount of time I needed to do it for iyswim
Aug 2012
11:52am, 14 Aug 2012
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My advice for maintaining an ok pace over long distance is to run at a pace you could hold a conversation - it really helped me find a pace i could maintain
Aug 2012
11:54am, 14 Aug 2012
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Hi Nicki, welcome to Fetch :)

I think what you have just said is the key, if you can maintain the run for the length of time you need to, then it is probably the right pace, although it is probably best if you finish feeling like you could have gone on for slightly longer.

I was going to say "if you can maintain it comfortably", but from my experience of starting running, it's a while before any pace starts to feel comfortable! But it will :)
Aug 2012
11:54am, 14 Aug 2012
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Welcome to Fetch Nicki. It sounds like running is going really well for you, keep it up. What Pootle said about running at a pace at which you can still manage to talk is a good tip. :)

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Maintained by fetcheveryone

I'm Nicki, 43yo (! - not sure how that happened....), more than a bit overweight but halfw...
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