Nov 2017
9:20pm, 24 Nov 2017
1,956 posts
Sorry but I'm still not feeling it.
Flipping the y-axis is an improvement. There is a lot of space below the line graph, it needs to be scaled to fill the available space. A y-axis key would make it more meaningful.
I know they are almost the same thing, but why Time v Dist or Dist v Time? Every other platform shows Pace v Time or Pace v Dist and I think it is what most people want to know, "How fast was I running over that 100m?", "How fast was I running in that 30s?"
The overall pace in the tooltip and the dotted line on the graph don't seem to vary at all when they clearly do in the current log.
The improvements to the map and track are brilliant! Would it be possible to make the choice of Google or OSM sticky?
The HR and cadence graphs are good, although I will be disappointed if we can't change the colour thresholds on the HR graph. It would be good if a tooltip showed distance/time when hovering over these graphs or maybe a vertical line as on the current log.
Love the elevation and grade graphs.
Nov 2017
9:31pm, 24 Nov 2017
18,746 posts
I forgot to change the title - it's effectively a pace chart now.
Nov 2017
8:34am, 25 Nov 2017
18,747 posts
I've also smartened up the y-axis scaling, and added the mins/mi bands and vertical grid lines.
Nov 2017
12:19pm, 25 Nov 2017
2,155 posts
Just a couple of points....
1) I would like the pace graph to be the same width as the other graphs so that I can compare pace, HR, elevation & cadence at a glance (which a lot of is sort of available in the tool tip as you hover over the graph).
2) There is an error in the tool tip on hovering over the pace graph. When I hover over the graph for my parkrun today (which my watch recorded as 27:44) the tool tip says my overall pace was 7 min/mi! I'm lucky if I hit that pace for 100 metres
Nov 2017
12:22pm, 25 Nov 2017
1,959 posts
Definitely getting better, good work!
Nov 2017
2:33pm, 25 Nov 2017
20,323 posts
eL Bee!
I echo westmoors point I walked parkrun today and the overall pace with the hover-over is 5min/mile for the most part (starting at 4min/mile) There appears to be a microglitch there!!
Nov 2017
3:59pm, 25 Nov 2017
18,749 posts
The thresholds on the HR graph are now working properly, and I've added a little 'rainbow' icon in the HR section that takes you to the place where you can amend your thresholds.
Nov 2017
4:06pm, 25 Nov 2017
18,750 posts
Fixed that 'overall pace' bug.
Nov 2017
4:06pm, 25 Nov 2017
11,461 posts
Like being able to switch to the line graph - thanks
Nov 2017
4:16pm, 25 Nov 2017
11,462 posts
I'm a beginner at HR training - what should the easy rate be in relation to threshold?