Mar 2014
1:57pm, 25 Mar 2014
14,150 posts
Grep - I don't think it was ever on the glasses view - but it would make a good addition I think.
SF - same story - I don't think it was on the original.
Bear with, I'm doing lots of Highcharts stuff, so I'll see what I can come up with.
Mar 2014
2:03pm, 25 Mar 2014
73,188 posts
Cheers Mr Ian.
Mar 2014
2:05pm, 25 Mar 2014
1,549 posts
Fetch, whilst you're about how are the pace "predictions" over standard distances calculated, just based on the average pace of the run? Would it be possible to also utilise the "speedmarks" within the calculation? Then you wouldn't get the situation where I have a prediction of 6:39 for a mile from a run that included a 6:28 mile as a speedmark.
Mar 2014
2:06pm, 25 Mar 2014
553 posts
K5 Gus
You can though see average HR on the List View if you choose the Heart option - apologies if you already knew that !
Mar 2014
2:32pm, 25 Mar 2014
4,383 posts
paul the builder
Can o' worms that, Nelly. What if your 6:28 was steeply downhill?
Mar 2014
2:38pm, 25 Mar 2014
73,191 posts
Or into a headwind while carrying a camel?
Mar 2014
2:39pm, 25 Mar 2014
1,550 posts
Fair point ptb, I'd not considered that. However, I'd question the benefit of the predictions if they are purely based on the average pace over the whole run; how many people go all out in training for the full run, to give a worthwhile set of predictions?
Mar 2014
2:44pm, 25 Mar 2014
14,151 posts
They are mainly there for when you can say "I ran hard during that run. I wonder what the equivalent pace would be for a variety of common distances?".
Mar 2014
9:20am, 27 Mar 2014
425 posts
Hi Fetch - do you have any news on the Suunto XML imports - with pauses and "manual" lapping? If you look at my session from Tuesday night - this was another interval session with 3Min efforts and 1Min rest. All of the data is just uploaded as if it was a 3Mile Run?
Mar 2014
9:59am, 27 Mar 2014
14,155 posts
Hiya, not yet sorry - I've been working on the new graph system. I will take a look as soon as I can.