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Ian Williams aka Fetch
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New Fetch Game: Hide and Seek

140 watchers
May 2020
2:48pm, 1 May 2020
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Fragile Do Not Bend
The grid location does matter Sam, you house could be in D6 on your grid and H8 on Rae’s depending where you centred your grid. If it’s was done on physical location it wouldn’t work as we are all too far apart.
May 2020
2:48pm, 1 May 2020
328 posts
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Daddy Shark
Nope Raemond, that's not right. If you are hiding in your G8 (say behind the big oak tree), he'll need to run though his G8 to find you. If he runs past the same big oak tree, that makes no difference if it's at a different place in his grid. Real world locations are only relevant if both grids are on top of each other (which you say they almost are anyway).
May 2020
2:49pm, 1 May 2020
1,843 posts
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Can't catch me, I'm the gingerbread man.
May 2020
2:50pm, 1 May 2020
23,942 posts
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Maybe Rae is just trying to throw Sam off the scent :-)
May 2020
2:51pm, 1 May 2020
1,669 posts
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Sam/Rae - grid location, in this game, is everything. Unless you both have the same home point (bottom right of square 20,20), your grids will not match and any run one of you logs on one grid will not precisely map onto the other
May 2020
2:55pm, 1 May 2020
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Daddy Shark
Fetch, that was quick work on reversing the order of the Game Feed!
May 2020
2:55pm, 1 May 2020
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D'oh, you're all clearly right and I'm being special.

As it happens our grids are almost identical, so he will find me instantly if he's turned first, and from there I just confused myself.
May 2020
2:57pm, 1 May 2020
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(I don't feel to bad about that, though, as Sam was also confused and he's much cleverer at this sort of thing than I am, usually).
May 2020
3:06pm, 1 May 2020
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Daddy Shark
I've been lamenting the fact that after fetch's outing, the next two seekers (MovingAlong and Dochart) explored the very same part of the grid and wondering why they did that. Now I realise this was always likely (unless people change their grid a goodly amount) since they were hiding in a place where they run, and so will now be seeking in a place where they run.
May 2020
3:17pm, 1 May 2020
46 posts
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Phew... That was very close. I was very nearly found.

About This Thread

Maintained by fetcheveryone
Here's the barebones of the new game:


How it works
The game generates a big three mile square with you at the centre. The square is cut into a grid of 1600 smaller squares.

During any given, unlock as many squares from your grid as possible (C19 permitting) by visiting them during your training. These are the places where you can 'hide'. Before the month is up, you must choose one of these squares as your hiding place.

When the first game kicks off (1st of the month), a lone seeker must start finding people, by visiting the squares. When someone is found, they become a seeker too. The seekers can then collaborate to flush out the hiders, and a growing army of seekers hunt down the final hiders.

The last person to be found will become the seeker for the following month.

I am still building the game. Keep following this thread for updates as I make them.
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