May 2016
4:06pm, 10 May 2016
14,142 posts
Normally abbreviated to LLanfair PG
May 2016
4:15pm, 10 May 2016
23,237 posts
I've been to the tip to get rid of loads of stuff. I couldn't see a book bank though so still have a bag of books in the car. At the harbour the dredger is coming in.
May 2016
4:15pm, 10 May 2016
23,627 posts
The things you learn on the mundane thread
May 2016
4:19pm, 10 May 2016
11,854 posts
Wriggling Snake
I used to work with a Turkish guy, he swears most Greek food is Turkish and most Grrek restaurants are run and staffed by Turks! They get more visitors if they say they're Greek.
May 2016
4:20pm, 10 May 2016
14,723 posts
Lip Gloss
I have taken Alfie's trike out of the garage to put in my car tomorrow incase its lovely like today and we can go to the park
May 2016
4:24pm, 10 May 2016
14,143 posts
A bit like most Indian restaurants are actually run by Bangladeshis
May 2016
4:27pm, 10 May 2016
23,246 posts
And most Italian restaurants are run by a bloke called Derek putting on an accent
May 2016
4:27pm, 10 May 2016
27,811 posts
I like Turkish food I knew that about the Ll thingy place, I once went to a course about presentations and people had to give a presentation and someone did one about that name, it was a good presentation!
May 2016
4:52pm, 10 May 2016
14,132 posts
Had half a Snickers bar. I'll have the other half tomorrow. I know how to live.
May 2016
4:54pm, 10 May 2016
11,855 posts
Wriggling Snake
a little bit of what you fancy does you good.