Oct 2020
8:18am, 1 Oct 2020
53,465 posts
Home work desk. Coffee
Oct 2020
8:27am, 1 Oct 2020
19,165 posts
All types of offer have been attempted Lizzie but thanks. If you have stomach cramps you just don’t fancy food. And if people stress you about it you fancy it even less. Sometimes presenting food in small portions and leaving it near a device works. I’m sure my mother would say I was pandering to her and breakfast should be eaten at a table. Tbf we have tried that and I watched her get iller and now we are odaat
Oct 2020
8:34am, 1 Oct 2020
15,276 posts
Twiglet still doesn't eat breakfast. She has a coffee and eats her lunch early. On occasion she will take a cereal bar or banana with her. She has been the same since she was about 14.
Oct 2020
8:37am, 1 Oct 2020
41,191 posts
That makes me feel so much better AL. Thank you.
Supper is a good idea Lizzie. Thank you.
Bran flakes, banana, soya milk, honey
Oct 2020
8:38am, 1 Oct 2020
23,848 posts
Lizzie W
Pandering seems entirely the right thing, imo. X
Oct 2020
8:38am, 1 Oct 2020
41,192 posts
My mother and sister both think I pander to LittleD in all aspects of life.
Oct 2020
8:39am, 1 Oct 2020
2,389 posts
Had every intention of doing gym session this morning, but stayed in bed as absolutely shattered. Now under cat on sofa, where I'll no doubt still be before I need to get ready for work.
Oct 2020
8:45am, 1 Oct 2020
9,085 posts
Hot chocolate and a plain wrap is basically what I had for dinner last night, except there was cheese in the wrap and the chocolate was in the form of buttons. And I’m VERY NORMAL. VERY VERY NORMAL. Everyone says so.
Oct 2020
8:48am, 1 Oct 2020
19,166 posts
If she wasn’t so obviously in a state I’d be easier about it all. But when they are, have they eaten have they slept have they had too much technology are the first sticks to beat yourself with and sometimes we look guilty on all three. So we do our best
Oct 2020
8:49am, 1 Oct 2020
41,198 posts
That ^
Although we are doing ok at the moment *crosses fingers*